ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Alt-Weekly Chicago Reader Is At “Imminent Risk Of Closure”

The paper, which was owned by the Sun-Times for six years before being sold to a not-for-profit in 2018, has continued to be plagued by the issues facing local news generally in the US. Six non-union staffers have been laid off and the publisher has resigned. - Chicago Sun-Times

Can “The Conversation” Do For Local News What It’s Done For Academic Research?

"The nonprofit outlet has built a brand on connecting the knowledge of professors and researchers to both the news cycle and a general audience … But could it also work on a sub-national level ... and try to make a dent in the local news crisis? That’s the idea behind The Conversation Local." - Nieman Lab

The Tyranny Of Reading Lists

The urge to track our reading habits is never so strong as it is near the turn of the year, when cultural forces press us to revise ourselves. Like the things we eat or the ways we move our bodies, the books we consume get talked about as yet another avenue for self-improvement. - The Walrus

New Research On Circulation Of Audiobooks At US Libraries

"Digital audiobooks accounted for 70 percent of adult audio circulation and 56 percent of youth audio circulation in libraries queried in the time frame of the survey. Circulation patterns showed significant variation according to community size." - Publishing Perspectives

The Moral Decay Of One Of Post-Soviet Russia’s Finest Novelists

"At a time when many of his literary peers have fled Russia for political reasons, (Victor) Pelevin’s descent from dazzling young writer to misogynist crank mirrors the decline of mainstream Russian culture in a new era of authoritarian censorship." - The Guardian

US Book Sales Ticked Up In 2024

In 2024, sales gradually improved over the course of the year and saw a 1.6% increase in the fourth quarter. For the full year, the sales performance followed a familiar path, as adult fiction was once again the driver, with units rising 4.8%. - Publishers Weekly

The 1890s French Author Who Predicted The Rise Of The Audiobook

In the short story “The End of Books,” one character says, "I do not believe (and the progress of electricity and modern mechanism forbids me to believe) that Gutenberg’s invention can do otherwise than sooner or later fall into desuetude.” - Open Culture

What Does ‘Escapism’ In Reading Even Mean?

“I am not entirely sure if said snobbishness is about books or readers, and that, right there, is the ugly little thought that made me ask: Are conversations about escapism actually about what people read, or how they read it?” - Reactor

William Butler Yeats’ Ornate Stained Glass Lantern Comes Home From The United States To Ireland

Yeats used the lantern to light his way on a winding staircase in his castle’s tower. A century later, a multimedia artist “carried the fragile artefact from Provincetown, at the northern tip of Cape Cod, in a ‘Grow Greener’ shopping bag, protected by layers of bubble wrap.” - Irish Times

Let’s Be Honest – ‘Marry Well’ Is Still The Best Advice For Writers

“This is not a new story. Ernest Hemingway would not have had the time to write were it not for the rich women he was involved with. Marcel Proust would never have written In Search of Lost Time without generational wealth.” - Irish Times

This Author Has Written Some Very Scary Stories, But None Have Made Her As Anxious As Her Own

Nnedi Okorafor, with her Death of the Author coming out this week, was "worried about exposing so much of herself in the novel: her early, life-defining accident, her sometimes tense relationships with her parents and siblings, … even her experiences as a successful author.” - The New York Times

Publishing Still Can’t Figure Out How To Support Speculative Fiction Writers

Especially when they’re Black. Why? Diversity syndrome, "a cultural condition where the ‘otherness’ of an author is elevated over the impact of their work, to the detriment of the author, their work, and their audiences.” - LitHub

Australian Aboriginal Author Alexis Wright On Finding Her Voice, And Re-Finding Some Fame For Her Writing

“The buzz around her latest novel has drawn new attention to her back catalogue around the world,” and that’s obviously great for her, and her wider community. “In Australia, Indigenous people are often spoken for or about, but rarely listened to, she says.” - The Guardian (UK)

Author Nicola Dinan, Who Was A Scientist And A Lawyer, Just Won A Debut Prize For Her Novel

“Working as a lawyer taught me how much can turn on a single word. I was always too clumsy to actually be a scientist – I was awful at labs – but ... I care a lot about my writing being clear, accessible, and precise.” - Irish Times

What You Got When You Got A Letter From Edward Gorey

Tom Fitzharris was fortunate enough to receive 50 of them. Here are four. - The Paris Review

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