ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Randall Kenan Should Take His Rightful Place Beside Gabriel Garcia Marquez In The Canon Of Postmodernity

"Whether owing to regional or racial bias, or to the author’s deeply ingrained humility and privacy, Kenan has not taken his rightful place in the postmodern canon, though his fictional town of Tims Creek proved as generative as any Macondo or Yoknapatawpha." - The New York Times

The Joys Of The Baghdad Book Fair

"Patrons savor the chance to browse aisles of paperbacks and hardcovers stacked on tables in pavilions from different countries. ... To revel in what to many Iraqis is the true, enduring character of Baghdad." - The New York Times

Inside The First Manhattan Bookstore Owned By An Asian American Woman

Owner Lucy Yu made the decision "to embark on this journey—now, in the midst of a pandemic, on the heels of so much anti-Asian hatred" because what else has kept people going during the pandemic but stories - and community? - LitHub

Did You Know Charles Dickens Wrote A Successor To “A Christmas Carol”?

Mind, it's not a sequel. Dickens published a series of five Christmas novellas; A Christmas Carol was the first. London's Dickens Museum hopes to get some attention for the third, The Cricket on the Hearth, with an exhibition of the original illustrations. - The Guardian

The Guardian Now Has More Than A Million Online — Well, Subscribers Isn’t The Right Word

The site has no paywall; the model is like that of public radio in the US: convince visitors to contribute. Now more than 1 million people worldwide make recurring donations, nearly double the number three years ago. (The Guardian also has 100,000 print subscribers.) - Axios

An Expertise In Books Gets You…

Literature professors have often had significant difficulty acknowledging their expertise and corresponding difficulty in justifying their status to skeptics, for broadly two reasons. - Public Books

Los Angeles Review Of Books Turns Ten

A self-described “cockeyed optimist,” Tom Lutz admitted he underestimated the volume of work required to launch the publication — not to mention the costs of doing so, both financial and psychological. - Los Angeles Times

The Bookstore That’s Helping Mosul Recover From Three Years Under ISIS

The Mosul Book Forum, which offers concerts and events along with books, opened three months after the city was liberated. Said cofounder Fahad Sabah, "If we have to rebuild our city, we need to rebuild our minds as well as our buildings and streets." - Literary Hub

Device After Device Promises To Save Writers From Their Own Distraction And Procrastination. Could The Latest Batch Succeed?

"Could the new wave of Zen editors and e-ink tablets, tempering tech solutionism with analog nostalgia, reverse this trajectory — and give writers a dedicated device of our own?" Julian Lucas gives some of them a try. - The New Yorker

New Yorker Writers Choose Their Favorite Books Of 2021

Nuff said. - The New Yorker

Mary, Queen Of Scots, Had Serious Paper-Folding Game, As Did Elizabeth I

Mary's final letter was to her cousin Henry III of France. "An international team of researchers have found that Mary used a delicate folding process to seal the letter, ensuring that any tampering would be immediately obvious to its recipient." - The Guardian (UK)

In The Early Days Of Lockdown, We Were All Going To Read Proust Or Something

That's not exactly what happened (perhaps not a surprise, what with global trauma and death?). - The Guardian (UK)

The Best Literary Descriptions Of Snow

Sometimes it's better to read than to experience. "I think I like winter weather best when it’s on the page and not the thing standing between me and the closest bar or the corner bodega when I’m out of popcorn." - LitHub

The Depths Of Art, And Lies

"Nonfiction writers make mistakes, too, of course. But not on the first page. As soon as I discovered my falsehood, I vowed to turn my back on nonfiction forever and write nothing but poetry, a genre in which you’re encouraged to lie." - LitHub

The Poems Of Locked Down Paris Poets

One poet sped home from a teaching gig in Lebanon; another was diagnosed with breast cancer as the pandemic burst forth. "In many ways, their poems also convey just how different their lives were, even though they were living just 5 miles from each other." - NPR

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