ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Value Of Profanity

Even in a society which tells itself the half-truth that it treasures ‘free speech’, there are, indeed must be, words that are beyond the pale – words that can still shock, thrill or shame. - Literary Review

Director Of Hay Festival Resigns After Misconduct Investigation

Peter Florence, who founded the famous literary event with his parents in 1988, stepped down after an inquiry confirmed a staffer's accusation of bullying. - The Observer (UK)

Tasked With Writing A Family Spy History

Author Rebecca Donner knew little about her great-great-aunt. Turns out she (and her husband) were one of the most famous American spy couples of the Resistance during WWII. - The New York Times

The Newest Self-Publishing Platform Is Not What You Might Expect

OnlyFans isn't famous for its fanfic. Now, one author "says she’s already made more money in the first two days since releasing 'Ezekiel in the Snow' than she has ever been paid for her work by a literary magazine, publisher, or museum." - LitHub

WG Sebald’s Secret Trauma

The author of The Emigrants and Austerlitz was haunted by his country's, and especially his own family's, history of violence and genocide. - The Observer (UK)

Writing About Autism And Sex

Author Helen Hoang took her own life experiences and folded them into her novel The Kiss Quotient. "I spent a lot of my life pretending to be something else because I wanted to fit in. I put so much work into trying to fit in." But a diagnosis - and writing a novel - freed her. - NPR

Getting Books Into The Hands Of Kids Who Need Them

With a young independent press, two women in Minneapolis want to take portrayals of Muslims in children's literature to a new place - a place of normality. - Sahan Journal

What About Autumn Reading, Hunh?

How "summer reading" (and beach reads) became a Thing. - The New York Times

The Author Who Became A Vaccinator

And her worries about how neither profession seems to be doing much good in this world. "Wash your hands for 20 seconds as often as you like, but you’ll never get that damned spot out: your fingerprints are all over the Earth." - The Guardian (UK)

Older Kindles May Stop Connecting To The Internet

And yes, you can blame 5G for this issue. - BBC

The Pleasure Of Falling Asleep With A Book

That is, with a book slipping out of your fingers, or falling on your face or stomach. - The New York Times

A Good Death (From A Literary Perspective)

"I cannot expect to have a good death if my life did not accomplish certain specific things. And these things are not material." - Los Angeles Review of Books

Selling Out? When I Wrote Just For Money

"This was a question I also grappled with: could my creative prostitution involve high art, be the literary equivalent of Belle de Jour (1967), stylish and sexy, or would I have to roil in whorish filth, using cheap metaphors and knocked-off cliches?" - Aeon

Emily Brontë Wrote A Second Novel. Did Charlotte Burn It?

The manuscript was unfinished but well underway when Emily died at age 30. The legend has been that Charlotte, envious and conservative, threw it in the fireplace. Scholar Emily Zarevich considers whether this could be true and what might have been in the lost work. - JSTOR Daily

Reconsidering The Point Of Translating Literature

Translations exist only in their own time. While literature is out of time, translations are always, in the hapless plod of linear time, out of joint. - The Walrus

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