ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Dreams Of A Common Language: A History Of Esperanto

Grammatically, Esperanto was primarily influenced by European languages, but interestingly, some of Esperanto’s innovations bear a striking resemblance to features found in some Asian languages, such as Chinese. - The Conversation

Our Best Writers Challenge And Discomfit Us

Our best writers can unfreeze us. They override the notion that we’re helpless, and sometimes they do it paradoxically, by depicting people who are paralyzed and stuck. - Tablet

Trial Over Mega-Book Publisher Merger Set To Begin

The closely watched case holds major implications for a publishing industry that has been grappling with consolidation for years. It also looms as a key test for the government amid growing calls for more vigilant antitrust enforcement. - Publishers Weekly

Restoring The Cree Language To Everyday Use

"In Maskwacîs — an area with four First Nations reserves on the Alberta prairie between Edmonton and Calgary — Cree, the most widely spoken Indigenous language in Canada, can be found written on stop signs, municipal buildings and emergency vehicles. A local radio station has Cree-speaking DJs." - MSN (The Washington Post)

How Technology And Social Media Have Changed American Sign Language

It's not only a matter of adjusting signs so that they can be seen on a video chat screen. Think of telephones 100 years ago, 50 years go, and now: the sign for the word "telephone" has changed right along with the object. - The New York Times

The New Yorker And The Archivist It Just Fired Are Trading Insults On Twitter

The magazine's archive editor, Erin Overbey, was fired last Friday for (per the termination letter) "a pattern of conduct that is disruptive to the operation of the company and undermines the journalistic ethics of our magazine."  Here's how things got to this point. - The Daily Beast

Determining Cultural Quality In The Age Of Massive Data

As Van Dijk has observed, in our digital society, evaluation of cultural products has become synonymous with crowd evaluation. On websites or in newspapers and magazines, rating culture produces a diverse range of big data. - Journal of Cultural Analytics

How Books Are Manufactured

Here, we will show you how vats of ink and 800-pound rolls of paper become a printed book. - The New York Times

This Year’s Booker Prize Longlist

The list is described as “challenging, stimulating, surprising, nourishing” by the chair of judges, contains the youngest and oldest authors ever to be nominated for the award. - The Guardian

For Folks Across The Pond, Maeve Higgins Explains The American Right’s Attacks On Public Libraries

"I think the right wing is really afraid of libraries not because libraries promote any one type of information but because libraries promote information itself. ... Libraries help us to think. That is why they are powerful, and that is why they are under attack." - The Guardian

Now The Crypto And Blockchain Guys Are Coming For The Book Industry

"This is the future an emerging number of publishing startups are after — aiming to change the value of a book from a $10 Amazon purchase to a $100 investment opportunity, while creating a market of readers excited to see the books they love succeed." - Esquire

Oklahoma City Library Workers Are Officially Warned Not To Help Patrons Find Abortion Information

"Library workers across Oklahoma's Metropolitan Library System (MLS) were shocked this week after receiving instructions to avoid using the word 'abortion' and not to help patrons locate abortion-related information on either library computers or their own devices." - Vice

What Makes A Great Bookstore (And No, Don’t Smell The Books!)

There is a breed of Homo sapiens that will walk inside, take a deep breath, and say, “Mmm, I just love the smell of old books.” They are to be got rid of as quickly as possible, with whatever violence it takes. - The New York Times

Banning Books Is Becoming Subtler (But Still Banning)

Though the publishing industry would never condone book banning, a subtler form of repression is taking place in the literary world, restricting intellectual and artistic expression from behind closed doors, and often defending these restrictions with thoughtful-sounding rationales. - The New York Times

What Exactly Is A ‘Crime’ Novel In A Time Of War, AR-15s And Police Corruption?

"You’re seeing a lot less cop novels, a lot less cop procedurals, because I think there’s an inherent disbelief in the goodness of the police right now." - LitHub

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