ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Quebec Is Laying Down (A New, Stricter) Law On French

Or rather, in French, about French. Bill 96 limits "access to public services in English and government powers to enforce compliance, despite objections from some of the province’s English speakers, Indigenous people and members of other linguistic minorities." - The New York Times

Meet Pitchbot – Media Criticism Through Parody

With his account, NYT Pitchbot imagines the Times formula for stories as a kind of wheezing algorithm, a bot churning out contrarian headlines and half-baked hot takes. - Columbia Journalism Review

Yes, Happily-Ever-After Is Okay In Serious Literature

"I argue that there's something in our human DNA that seeks the Happily Ever After (HEA). ... According to researchers, these fairytale endings can be traced as far back as the Bronze Age, long before literature had even the language to describe itself." - Literary Hub

For The First Time, An Indian Novel Wins The International Booker Prize

The £50,000 prize for Tomb of Sand will be split equally between author Geetanjali Shree and translator Daisy Rockwell. - BBC

Do The Words We Use Really Change The Way We Think?

John McWhorter: For example, the pathway from “crippled” to “handicapped” to “disabled” to “differently abled.” New words ultimately don’t leave freighted ideas behind; they merely take them on. - The New York Times

It Appears That Chimpanzees Have Their Own Language, Complete With Words And Simple Sentences

Researchers have found that a troop of 46 chimps in the Ivory Coast has 390 unique vocal sequences that they use among themselves.  They employ "single vocal units," combine them into double units, and in turn combine those doubles into three-unit sequences. - Salon

The Conflicts Of Ego It Takes To Be A Writer

The act of writing poses a predicament for anyone who recognizes the temptations of pride and self-aggrandizement. We simultaneously desire to attract recognition and seek to avoid it. We want to engage an audience, yet we see that approbation flatters our egos and that criticism is painful. - National Affairs

How Ukraine’s Most Prominent Novelist Is Recording The War

“I think everybody should do what he can do best for the country. The snipers should kill the enemy. The singers should sing for the soldiers and the refugees. What I can do is write and tell things, and that is what I am doing.” - The New York Times

“Linguistic Convergence” — Why Folks Tend To Start Mimicking The Speech Patterns Of The Folks They’ve Been Talking With

"People tend to converge toward the language they observe around them, whether it's copying word choices, mirroring sentence structures or mimicking pronunciations. ... In fact, people converge toward speech sounds they expect to hear – even if they never actually hear them." - The Conversation

“This Is No Longer A Magazine Company”, Says Condé Nast’s CEO

Roger Lynch: "We have 70 million people who read our magazines, but 300-something million that interact with our websites every month and 450 million that interact with us on social media. Our audience is already telling us that's not the way they interact with us." (podcast with transcript) - The New York Times

“True Rhymes Are Marvels; A Slant Rhyme’s A Sin. Or Is It Vice Versa? Let The Battle Begin.”

Adam Gopnik considers how "slant rhyme" (English teachers call it assonance) and rap's constant use of it have revivified verse, both sung and spoken — and how long a history slant rhyme really has in the true-rhyme-impoverished English Language. - The New Yorker

Has TikTok’s Thriving Books Community Changed How Readers Recommend Books To Each Other?

Goodreads, BookTube, Bookstagram, and #LitTwit have been around for many years now.  Do the denizens of BookTok talk about or choose what they're reading any differently?  Here's a look at what has and hasn't been scrambled on the newer platform. - Book Riot

An Influential Literacy Educator Makes An About Face In How To Teach Reading

It may not inspire political campaign ads the way critical race theory does, but the debate over how to teach children to read — perhaps the foundational skill of all schooling — has been just as consuming for some parents, educators and policymakers. - The New York Times

The Vast Majority Of People Absolutely Will Not Pay For News

Running from one free trial to another, even news junkies often think information demands to be free - to the consumer, that is. "Only 17% of respondents said they had paid for online news in the past year. ... This was, in fact, an improvement." - Nieman Lab

Jhumpa Lahiri Explains Why Italo Calvino Is So Beloved Outside Of Italy

"Let’s start with his Italian (or non-Italian) identity, an Italianness always tilting toward the Other. These are some biographical facts (with which he loved to play): he was born in Cuba, raised in San Remo—an extremely cosmopolitan city at the time—and married an Argentine translator." - LitHub

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