ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Want To Read This Book? In This Michigan School District, You’ll Be Sent To A Counselor

Students will now be put in touch with a school counselor if they want to check out the book. The counselor will then contact students’ parents or guardians for permission to let them check out the book. - The Daily Beast

A Glimpse Of The Oldest Surviving Book In The Americas

"Dating from 1100, this codex — the work of a single artist, (written in hieroglyphics) on long sheets of amate, paper made from fig tree bark — reveals the Mayan preoccupations with time and the cosmos, as well as the 'otherworldly' role of the scribe." - The New York Times

The Booker Prize For 2022 Goes To “The Seven Moons Of Maali Almeida” By Shehan Karunatilaka

"(This) supernatural satire set amid a murderous Sri Lankan civil war ... is about a photographer who wakes up dead, with a week to ask his friends to find his photos and expose the brutality of war." - BBC

This Small Publishing House Keeps Winning Nobels, Bookers…

Jacques Testard said that he would think it “very silly” if people called Fitzcarraldo the home of the Nobel. “It’s not like we have a strategy to try and win,” he said. His taste just happened to align with “a bunch of older bourgeois Swedish people” who decide the Nobel each year, he added. - The New York Times

For Black Writers: A “Representation” Trap

Our current problem isn’t an insufficient amount of Black representation in literature but a surfeit of it. And in many cases that means simply another marketing opportunity, a way to sell familiar images of Blackness to as broad an audience as possible. - The New York Times

Goodnight Moon At 75

Jacqueline Woodson: "The ‘goodnight nobody’ always caught me by surprise and made me think ... I thought in including that ‘Goodnight nobody’ spread, Hurd and Brown were telling a quiet truth about emptiness and the world." - LitHub

How Poet Jorie Graham Is Dealing With The Long Climate Emergency

Graham gives her readers the possibility of "adaptation and radical witness. Her language and poetic structure adapt to her changing world and reality, and never succumb to denial." - The Rumpus

Eighty-Year-Old Debut Author Says The Publishing Industry Needs More Angry, Sexy Old Ladies

Jane Campbell, author of the book Cat Brushing and experienced psychotherapist: "What I wanted to say, from quite an angry point of view, was, yes, old women are totally functioning human beings." - Slate

In Iceland, Elves Are Real

That's important for the planet: "There was this sense of wonder in everything, this sense of awe, not just beauty as some sort of painting you put on your wall, but as a feeling inside of you." - The Rumpus

Why Bad Catholics Make Great Literature

"Smells, bells, blood, guts, spectacle, and of course, bodies, bodies, bodies. Catholicism is a deeply theatrical religion based in provocative stories." - The Millions

Is There A Formula For Winning A Booker Prize?

In past years it has proven so unpredictable that even one of its winners likened the literary award to “a chicken raffle”. Referring to an Australian custom of raffling poultry as a fundraising activity, the phrase suggests luck, rather than talent, is key to scooping the prize. - The Conversation

The National Library Of France Has Finally Reopened, And It Has Some Hidden Gems To Show Us

"After 12 years and 261 million euros (more than $256 million) of renovations, the country's national library in the heart of Paris has reopened and is showing off more than 900 of its treasures." - The New York Times

A Visit To The Oldest Public Library In The Americas

"The Palafoxiana Library ... owes its existence to one of Puebla's early Catholic bishops, Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, who in 1646 donated his private library of 5,000 volumes to a local religious college — with the hope that anyone who knew how to read would have access to them." - AP

It Appears That Chaucer Was Not A Rapist After All, Newly Discovered Documents Indicate

It turns out that Cecily Chaumpaigne, believed to have been the victim of Chaucer's alleged attack, was on the same side as Chaucer in the legal case at hand: they were both defendants in a lawsuit by Chaumpaigne's former employer, whom she left to work for Chaucer. - The New York Times

Black Writers And Characters Are Appearing In American Fiction More Than Ever Before. Here’s The Difficulty With That.

"Our current problem isn't an insufficient amount of Black representation in literature but a surfeit of it. And in many cases that means simply another marketing opportunity, a way to sell familiar images of Blackness to as broad an audience as possible." - The New York Times Magazine

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