ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Don’t Miss The Exuberant Diversity Of Ukrainian Literature

It's a thorny question after years of occupations and wars. That, "combined with the systematic repression of the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian culture has made some Ukrainians ambivalent about fully embracing the many writers from Ukraine who are not ethnic Ukrainians." - The Millions

What Is Fixer-Upper Empire Builder Chip Gaines Doing With Larry McMurtry’s Last Bookstore?

This is a twist. "The Archer City store was the last remaining shopfront, and had become a pilgrimage of sorts for devotees of McMurtry’s Westerns." Gaines was spotted carrying boxes of books out of the store, the inventory of which has now gone all-online. - LitHub

Someone Who’s Read A Lot Of Roald Dahl Books To Kids Explains How To Handle The Nasty Bits

"What's interesting about this unneeded controversy is that I haven't so far seen anybody ... who thinks (bowdlerizing the books) is a good idea. Loudmouths on the right think it's 'woke cancel culture' nonsense, and loudmouths on the left think it smacks of literary censorship. So why has this happened?" - Slate

Roald Dahl’s Publisher Will Release An Unaltered Edition Of His Works, In All Their Insensitivity

"The Classic Collection will 'sit alongside the newly released Puffin Roald Dahl books for young readers', the publisher said," referring to the controversial new editions, vetted by sensitivity readers, which remove such potentially offensive epithets as "fat" and "ugly." - The Guardian

A History Of Having To Alter The Problematic Roald Dahl

Dahl’s antisemitism was widely reported around the time of his death. His editors had entered discussions regarding the misogyny and racism in some of his other books. In some cases he listened and in others, he didn’t. Eventually, his US publishers had enough of his truculent behaviour. - The Conversation

How Poetry Redirects Us In Language

“Poetry cannot save us, and yet the poets could do a great deal to redirect our minds and senses back to the proper object of their love…eyes schooled by the poets, as they look out on the ravaged landscape of our world.” - Hedgehog Review

The Failed Simon & Schuster/Penguin Random House Merger Hearings Tell You Everything About The State Of Publishing

"We invest every year in thousands of ideas and dreams, and only a few make it to the top. So I call it the Silicon Valley of media. We are angel investors of our authors and their dreams, their stories. That’s how I call my editors and publishers: angels.” - Harper's

How The Conversation, An Academic News Website, Has Pulled In An Audience Of Young Professionals

"Survey data showed that a bulk of (the site's) readers were in the 18-to-35 age bracket. ... To experiment with a new approach, The Conversation launched the Quarter Life series in March 2022, commissioning stories for people in their 20s and 30s." -

In English: The Importance Of The Words From Elsewhere

Emily Dickinson thought that words start a new, discrete cycle of life the moment they are uttered. While American English can be perceived as a threat to the survival of other cultures around the world, in our country it is a force that helps to bind us together. - The New York Times

The Most Troubling Thing About ChatGPT Writing? The Endless Cliches!

 ChatGPT, the popular bot released to the public by OpenAI late last year, is obsessed with clichés and uses them all the time. Perhaps it is no coincidence that use of the chatbot has already become common in areas of life where people write formulaically and blandly. - The Atlantic

Now Come Tools To Detect ChatGPT Writing. Do They Work?

We dug into several proposed methods and tools for recognising AI-generated text. None of them are foolproof, all of them are vulnerable to workarounds, and it’s unlikely they will ever be as reliable as we’d like. - The Conversation

In France, Roald Dahl’s Books Will “Remain Intact”

"Gallimard, ... the French publishers of Roald Dahl, have ruled out any changes to the late British author's translated books after it emerged that ... the UK publisher Puffin hired sensitivity readers to remove language deemed inappropriate." - The Guardian

Back At Work  After The Strike, Unionized HarperCollins Staffers Feel Vindicated

"For many of the more than 250 unionized employees, the agreement ratified on Feb. 16 between their union, Local 2110 of the U.A.W., and the publisher was a victory: It included a raise and some guaranteed overtime for the employees at the lower end of the wage scale." - The New York Times

New Edition Of Roald Dahl Books Alters Text To Remove Words Like “Crazy’ and “Fat”

In “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” for instance, the Oompa-Loompas are no longer “small men” but rather “small people,” according to The Telegraph, while the word “fat” has also been removed from every book. - Toronto Star

For Writers, Failure Has Increased Exponentially. Failure Now Defines The Writing Life

I’ve known writers who used to submit, literally, the manuscript of a work. It might loiter for six months in some publisher’s office before being returned. Under the conditions of print, a dozen failures a year were difficult to accumulate. Today, if you work at it, you can fail a dozen times before lunch. - The Atlantic

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