ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Archaeologist Helping Manhattan DA Identify Looted Antiquities Complains That His Work Never Gets Credited

“They are taking my work and presenting it as theirs,” said Christos Tsirogiannis. “They are showing off with my academic work and not giving me the credit. It is an abuse of my intellectual property. But now, enough is enough.” - The Guardian

Inside The British Museum Scandal

It is not just the losses that are so damaging but also the way the museum has dealt with the issue since antiques dealer Ittai Gradel alerted its bosses after he became suspicious about objects being sold online. - The Standard

One Of Ethiopia’s Most Sacred Objects, Looted 155 Years Ago, Is Returned

"A sacred tablet that was stolen by British troops during the 1868 Battle of Maqdala in Ethiopia was restituted in a service at a church in London on Monday. Also known as a tabot, the object is a symbolic representation of the Ark of the Covenant for the Ethiopian church." - ARTnews

Group Files Suit To Stop Construction Of New Memphis Art Museum

That piece of land is referred to as "the promenade." According to the descendants of Memphis founders, who are referred to as the "heirs" in legal documents, the city should not be building on the property since it belongs to the citizens. - Memphis Commercial Appeal

With A Week’s Warning To Students, The Last Remaining Campuses Of The Art Institutes Are Closing

"The system had suffered from low enrollment since the coronavirus pandemic began. Previous challenges included a $95 million settlement after fraud allegations in 2015 and a loss of accreditation that led to the shuttering of nearly 20 other locations in 2018." - The New York Times

The Mega-Dealers Coming After Museums

The megadealers love museums. They need them. They’re the best of friends. But there’s no longer any hiding it: They’re also trying to clone them, to do what museums do — just better. And they’re willing to go where museums have lately been too afraid to venture. - Washington Post

The Copyright Office Needs A Rethink About AI

Just as a photographer walks around a city or forest looking for compelling scenes to photograph, so an AI artist explores the “latent space” of images a tool like Midjourney can produce. In a literal, pixel-by-pixel sense, images are produced by the software, not the artist. - Ars Technica

The City Of The Dead Is Being Bulldozed

In Egypt, President Sisi has grand plans "for a highway cruelly named the Passage of Paradise, a series of flyover bridges that the government claims will relieve some of Cairo’s notorious traffic congestion" - and displace millions of the alive and dead. - The New York Times

A Forgotten Artemisia Gentileschi Painting Is Found In A Royal Storeroom

The painting emerged "during attempts to trace all the paintings sold off across Europe after Charles I’s execution, which included seven recorded Gentileschi paintings." - The Observer (UK)

Getting Old, Says Former Young British Artist Sarah Lucas, Is Rather Pleasant

"Of all the golden generation of YBAs who graduated from Goldsmiths 30-odd years ago, Lucas was and remains the biggest slacker." - The Guardian (UK)

The Smithsonian Latino Museum Is Facing Pushback

And it hasn't even been built yet. - The New York Times

A Museum For Compton

The museum's founders wanted a place to remember "Compton’s rich history and creativity—the vacant buildings of Compton transformed by the artist collective Communicative Arts Academy in the 1960s and 1970s or Elliott Pinkney’s murals." - Los Angeles Times

The National Cathedral Unveils Two New Stained Glass Windows

Replacing the stain of the Confederate-themed windows that were removed six years ago, the two new windows, designed by Kerry James Marshall, are themed for racial justice. - NPR

The Little Prince Lands In New York

This is surprisingly logical, since Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote Le Petit Prince while living in the city after escaping the Nazi invasion of France. - Hyperallergic

The National Gallery Reneges On Its Agreement About The Corcoran

"When the Corcoran was eviscerated, there was a pretense that somehow it would actually continue to exist — without its art, without its building, without its assets. No one believed that." But it's turned out to be even worse. - Washington Post

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