Michael Maurello will serve three years in prison followed by three years of supervised release. He had pled guilty to falsifying the Institute's financial records in order to funnel payroll money into his personal accounts from 2007 to 2020. - MSN (Chicago Tribune)
Architects, engineers and other volunteers are taking careful high-definition photographs and laser scans of historic buildings around Ukraine — those that have been bombed and some that might yet be — so that photogrammetry can be used to create detailed construction plans for rebuilding. - The World
The auctioneer started the bidding at $40,000. Mr. Herman perked up. The camera crew leaned in. Then: crickets. By 1:32, with no live bids, it was all over. - The New York Times
Mentioned almost in passing in the museum's most recent court filing was this sentence: “The parties are currently engaged in settlement negotiations, the outcome of which has the potential to dispose of further litigation proceedings.” - MSN (Orlando Sentinel)
In an email, National Gallery spokesperson Anabeth Guthrie said a member of the climate activist group Declare Emergency vandalized a wall in the West Building gallery that houses a sculpture called “The Shaw 54th Regiment Memorial” (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. - Washington Post
Aaron De Groft argues that the museum's board and outside attorneys greenlit the show, which turned out to be full of forgeries, even after the FBI began investigating it. He maintains that the museum's suit against him, after having fired him, is a PR stunt to save face. - AP
Significant Postmodern buildings like the Abrams House in Pittsburgh and the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego have already been demolished. Other beloved/reviled examples now await their fate. - Bloomberg
The success of the Austrian capital's well-known Gemeindebauten is due not only to government funding and conscientious management. The popularity of the enormous apartment complexes is due, in large part, to their design. - Bloomberg CityLab
Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette came to Newfields in August 2022, in the wake of an outcry over a racially fraught job description for director of the art museum. No reason was given for Burnette's abrupt departure, and this story includes a correction of an earlier version reporting that she resigned. - Indianapolis Star
"Medicine has a 'creativity problem,' ... and too many people working in health care are resigned to the status quo, the dehumanizing bureaucracy." Call in the artists! - NPR
The museum's executive director also apologized for the way she discussed the postponement: "There are no excuses for what I said, regardless of my intentions." - The New York Times