ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Argument To Pay A Lot More Attention To Tiny Art

That is, to miniature art and the museums that collect it. "Miniatures imitate life but have no clear practical purpose. They can be harder to make than their full-size counterparts. But they are portable.” - which makes them easy to carry as governments fall and empires shift. - The Atlantic

The Vatican’s Biennale Show Is Set Inside A Women’s Prison

So … the show is for what audience, exactly? Probably not the incarcerated: "As if involuntarily submitting to state power wasn’t enough, one of the world’s most influential art organizations and one of its largest religious institutions is in the mix.” - Artnet

Faith Ringgold’s Letter To The Guerrilla Girls Still Inspires, Thirty Years Later

After the artist’s death, the collective wants to remind the world of Ringgold’s dream: “I have a dream that one day the art world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: that the art of all people is created equal." - Hyperallergic

The Nephew Of Norval Morrisseau, Implicated In Massive Art Fraud Scandal, Reaches A Resolution With Community Elders

"In total, police laid more than 40 charges against eight people in March 2023. The investigation led to the seizure of more than 1,000 pieces of forged artwork.” Now, Benjamin Morrisseau will take part in restorative justice measures, the court says. - CBC

Indigenous Artists Win Top Prizes At Venice Biennale

“The exhibition’s top prizes both went to Indigenous artists, with the Golden Lion for the main curated exhibition going to the Mataaho Collective, which consists of four Māori women artists. ... The Golden Lion for the National Pavilion was given to Archie Moore (Kamilaroi/Bigambul), who was Australia’s representative." - ARTnews

“I Love The Art So Much I Sometimes Weep” — A Former Writing Professor’s Life As An Art Framer

"We are not a museum, just a neighborhood frame shop in Evanston, Illinois. … The art is unrelenting. … When I get home at night, I collapse in a chair, mute and unable to move. The art feels like a tornado whooshing through me. I feel euphoric and empty, cleaned out." - Oxford American

Here’s The Painting That The Fired Museum Employee Put On The Museum’s Wall — And Here’s Why He Did It

"'The motive behind (the caper) was to see if the directors of the museum were prepared to practise what they preach,' said one person familiar with the events (at Munich’s Pinakothek der Moderne). 'It was an artistic challenge. The technician who hung up the picture wasn’t lusting for fame.'" - The Observer (UK)

Pro-Palestine Demonstrators Protest At Venice Biennale

Around 100 protestors gathered outside of the Israeli Pavilion in the Giardini and moved toward other national pavilions, like those of the U.S., France, and Germany, chanting “stop the genocide,” “shut it down,” and “viva Palestina.” - Artnet

When Inigo Philbrick And I Tried To Cut A Banksy Out Of The Wall It Was Painted On

Orlando Whitfield (as recounted in his new book): “I mean, this is great, but it’s on a fucking wall. A door was one thing, but this is different.” Philbrick: “I know. But it has to be doable, right? Has to be. Think of all those frescoes they move in Italy.” - The Guardian

Flagship National Museum Of Wales Faces Staff Cuts And Possible Closure

Due to funding cuts and an existing deficit, the main gallery in Cardiff could eliminate up to 90 staff positions, and it may have to start charging for admission for the first time. Water leaks and deteriorating wiring will require closing the building if funding for repairs isn't approved. - Time Out UK

Brooklyn Museum Appoints Its First Composer In Residence

Cellist and composer Niles Luther, 27, "is kicking off his residency by composing three musical arrangements to accompany the exhibition 'Hiroshige’s 100 Famous Views of Edo' (feat. Takashi Murakami), which opened today." - Forbes

How To Install Hundreds Of Solar Panels Atop A 500-Year-Old Church

Said church is the chapel of King's College, Cambridge, where a year-long (and rather delicate) project to place 438 panels on the roof was just completed. A desecration of historic architecture? Says the college's provost, "People don’t come to King’s College Chapel to see the roof." - Smithsonian Magazine

Remember The “God Hates Renoir” Demonstrations Of 2015?

"Armed with snobbish hipster fury and signage that read 'God Hates Renoir,' 'ReNOir,' and 'We’re Not Iconoclasts, Renoir Just Sucks At Painting,' the group briefly received considerable media attention — though none from the institutions it was heckling." - Artnet

Warning That Venice’s Historic Houses Are Crumbling

Mario Piana, the Proto (architect) responsible for the maintenance of St Mark’s Basilica, in Venice, has warned that the city’s historic building stock is crumbling from the bottom up because of the rising water level of the lagoon. - The Art Newspaper

Report: British Museum Chairman Clashes With Prime Minister

British Museum chairman George Osborne reportedly clashed with officials from the Prime Minister’s office over the selection of the institution’s next museum director prior to the appointment of National Portrait Gallery director Nicholas Cullinan. - ARTnews

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