“The scents will be released by individual visitors when they press a button on a nearby diffuser. Those who prefer just to look at pictures, relying on the artist’s ingenuity to stimulate senses and imaginations, will not smell a thing.” - The Observer (UK)
Art, theatre, spectacle: "As we watched life-sized replicas of Alfred Hitchcock movie posters, and actors recreating a scene from The Birds, the narrator invoked this quote from Head: 'What a costume designer does is a cross between magic and camouflage.’” - LAist
The Pompidou is closing for five years, starting in 2025 because, well, “If we don’t take immediate measures, the building will collapse: There are pieces of metal falling off of it every day.” But Brussels, Seoul, Málaga, and other places are stepping up. - The New York Times
The DNC balloon designer was fighting for his life at the hospital, but “a team of 55 balloon artists from 18 states — and five from Canada — gathered in Chicago last week on their own dime, blowing up and tying thousands of balloons in DeLorenzo’s honor.” - Washington Post (MSN)
The sculpture of Priscilla Chan, wife to Mark Zuckerberg, is so obviously self-referential and AI-influenced that it’s hard to discuss critically. But “is this what most sculpture, or indeed most art, will look like in the future? Given the endless possibilities of AI, is this where we’re all headed?” - Washington Post
In an email sent to several DC-area art exhibition spaces on Monday, August 19, column author and critic Mark Jenkins announced the series would shut down after the last iteration runs in this Sunday’s print edition. - Hyperallergic
The new design features a white porcelain pigeon trailed by a golden “splat”. It’s a choice that the museum’s director Sharon Ament interprets as a metaphor for London. - The Conversation
Serious institutions might legitimately turn up their noses at the immersive van Gogh or Monet "experiences," but nearly half of the immersive art shows out there have been designed by artists themselves, from Meow Wolf to teamLab to David Hockney. Should museums join in, despite the expensive equipment required? - ARTnews
"In an email sent to several DC-area art exhibition spaces on Monday, column author and critic Mark Jenkins announced the series would shut down after the last iteration runs in this Sunday’s print edition. Jenkins, a freelance critic, authored the column for 13 years. It ran online each Friday." - Hyperallergic
The murals have captured the public imagination, not because they’re artistic masterpieces, but because they play with something beyond the world of pop art – our love, fear and fascination with animals. - The Conversation
Describing a particularly vertiginous exchange in which “somewhere between $125k and $175k is created out of thin air, a few phone calls and an expensive dinner,” Whitfield outlines two possible responses to making money like that: it can make you feel very clever, or it can make you feel like a fraud. - The New Yorker
The sculpture by Daniel Arsham, a brand-friendly New York-based artist with his own fashion line, is really bad — but it’s interestingly bad. When you look at it, it just sort of collapses in your brain, like a bouncy castle pierced by a falling tree branch. - Washington Post
During the Games themselves (July 27-August 11), visitor numbers fell by 22% from the previous year. In the 11 days leading up to the event, admissions were down 45% from the same time in 2023 — not least because the museum was entirely closed July 25-26 as a security measure. - ARTnews
During a BBC profile of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, a friend of the ruler said that the painting, purchased in 2017 for $450 million, is currently in a Geneva storage facility and that MBS intends it to be the centerpiece of a Louvre-like museum to be built in Riyadh. - Euronews