ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why Did Gustav Klimt Use So Much Gold Leaf?

Turns out, it ran in the family. - Artnet

How The Tampa Museum Prepared For A Hurricane

“Our facility has been designed to withstand a direct hit from a category three on the second floor, we just completed a 25,000 square-foot renovation, which brought up to code the first floor for a direct hit at a Category Four,” Tomor told ARTnews. “So we’re ready.” - ARTnews

Monet Pastel Stolen By Nazis Returned To Family Generations Later

Adalbert Parlagi and his son Franz kept meticulous ownership and search records. After Franz’s death in 2012, Françoise Parlagi stumbled upon her father’s cache of documents, including the original receipt from her grandfather’s purchase of the Monet pastel. - AP

Manhattan DA’s Art Trafficking Unit’s Authority Challenged In Court By Art Institute Of Chicago

The unit seized from museums and collectors 11 works by Egon Schiele; most were surrendered when agents proved the pieces had been looted by Nazis. But the Art Institute has gone to court, arguing that the Manhattan DA's unit not only is wrong about provenance but lacks jurisdiction. - The New York Times

US Customs Seized 13 Ancient Egyptian Artifacts At JFK Airport

Documents filed earlier this month indicate that, in 2020-21, agents at the airport impounded a vase, jars, figurines, and other items dating from roughly 2,500 to 5,000 years ago. Collectors had evidently purchased the items via eBay. - ARTnews

Close Examination Of AI Art Reveals Human Side

Close reading even such an unserious set of prompts and images offers clues about the scaffolding behind these operations, as well as broader insights into the clumsy, grab-bag way humans tend to deploy language when attempting to describe an image. - The Guardian

Israeli Air Strikes In Lebanon Nearly Hit Ancient Ruins At Baalbek

"Lebanese Culture Minister Mohammad Mortada has called for international action after an Israeli airstrike hit perilously close to Baalbek, a triad of Imperial Roman temples and UNESCO World Heritage Site in northern Lebanon. Local media reported that the strike landed only 500 meters away from the ruins." - ARTnews

Studio Museum Of Harlem Will Open Its New Building In Fall 2025

"Its first show there will bring the museum full circle by focusing on the work of Tom Lloyd, the artist, educator and activist who was featured in the 1968 opening exhibition of the institution — which was then just a second-floor rented loft on upper Fifth Avenue." - The New York Times

The Fake Van Goghs That Fooled The Experts

Experts at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam say three paintings in private collections previously believed to be by the artist are fakes, including one that was authenticated by the museum and sold for nearly $1 million at Christie’s in 2011. - Hyperallergic

The Case For Why Painting Still Matters

In an age of cold digital screens and AI-enhanced visual manipulation, we have been told that canvas, oil and pigment are becoming irrelevant, or somehow reactionary. But the public has never really noticed this. - New Statesman

Kansas City’s Iconic Nelson Atkins Museum To Expand Again

The institution has launched a global competition as part of a larger rebranding for the museum, unfolding in 2025. The renovation, it hopes, will attract wider audiences, while establishing it as a more inclusive, community-focused destination. - Artnet

Richard Serra And The Tension Between Site And Context

"If you go into a community to make a work and you try to follow the demands of the local people, which are never homogeneous anyway, you end up serving their interests more than your own. And usually their interests are transitory . . . So you have to hold fast to your work." - New Left Review

Judge Decides Who Owns Basquiat Painting Which Inigo Philbrick Sold Twice

"A US magistrate (ruled) that a Jean-Michel Basquiat painting used by Philbrick in his illegal scheme belongs to a collector he misled — and not the high-profile art lender he also duped. The collector, Alexander Pesko, has been locking horns with the art lender. Athena Art Finance, for over five years. - ARTnews

Are Our Houses Too Big?

"I think our houses are generally too big; they are, in design terms, a bit lazy in this sense. We’d benefit enormously by cutting maybe 20% out of most new builds, and I’d rather see smaller, more intensely designed homes that are personal and quirky than large spaces." - The Guardian

How Artists Have Historically Documented Climate Change

“What’s really surprising … is that there was an understanding of human impact on the environment much, much earlier than most people understand today.” - Smithsonian

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