Palermo is ugly for a reason: "Vito Ciancimino, a mobster from the violent Corleonesi clan, ordered the demolition of splendid art nouveau mansions to make space for brutalist tower blocks, covering vast natural and garden areas with tonnes of concrete." - The Observer (UK)
Accusations of xenophobia, and two more high-profile resignations, follow an email about "restructuring" that eliminated the positions of Tanya Barson, the English curator, and Pablo Martínez, the head of programs. - The Observer (UK)
Apologies alone aren't going to suffice. "Tribal representatives and archaeologists are demanding an accounting of protected cultural sites in order to identify damage caused by unpermitted research. They are also calling for researchers to be held accountable for such transgressions." - Los Angeles Times
The citizens of Liverpool should be on the same side as UNESCO. "They have the same enemies: the shoddy and contemptuous treatment of the world heritage site, over years, both by the city’s government and private property companies." - The Guardian (UK)
Henry wasn't planned, but his beloved status even survived this: "Charles and Diana received one of the first models as a wedding present in 1981." - The Guardian (UK)
Yikes: "Rearing up at the western end of Oxford Street as a faceted green shell ... the 25-metre high Marble Arch Mound is one of the more unlikely strategies for stimulating our Covid-stricken high streets." - The Guardian (UK)
The building boom in China was often a kind of arms race between cities trying to outcompete each other and grab global attention, typically without much care given to the urban context in which the tall buildings were placed. - Fast Company
A group of about 30 young workers and students will gather at Catholic University in DC next month and use hand tools to build a 45'x35' wooden truss, which will be used in the Paris cathedral's reconstruction following the 2019 fire. - The Art Newspaper
The treasures residing in august museums, the antiquities we revere. They acquire meaning as the stories around them grow. Problem is... - London Review of Books
More than 800 Polish artists, curators and critics have written to the country’s culture minister opposing plans to remove the director of the Zachęta – National Gallery of Art in Warsaw. - Art Review
Sophie Haigney: "I thought, before seeing this video, that I was tired of art. … It was only after watching this video repeatedly that it occurred to me: What I was tired of was not art but the predictability of how we encounter it." - The New York Times Magazine
Last week the adult website launched an online guide to erotic(ized) artworks at six of the world's great museums. Then one of those institutions started legal action over Pornhub's infringement of intellectual property rights. (The Louvre made threats but has backed off.) - Hyperallergic
The Western institutions who now hold the looted treasures have been assuming the works were destined for a state-sponsored Edo Museum of Western African Art. Now the hereditary king of the Benin people insists they must go to a museum at his palace. - BBC