Says the former director of Tate Modern, now at Paris's Grand Palais, "We probably cannot afford to ship works back and forth, and will have to think of … how a museum can do more for a local community instead of catering to economic models for tourists." - Artnet
Jason Harrington, 38, fabricated paintings which he sold as work by the late artists Barkley Hendricks and Richard Hambleton (aka Shadowman) for a total of $1.1 million, money he must now repay. He faces up to 20 years in prison. - Artnet
"Illuminate Coral Gables," an outdoor exhibition of light art that launched only this past winter, has imploded after the Miami-area city's mayor accused two of the artists in next year's show of being communist sympathizers. (Yes, the mayor is Cuban-American.) - Artnet
Back in the day, "when it launched in 2010, Instagram courted the artistic community, inviting respected designers to be among its initial users and naming its very first filter X-Pro II, after an analogue photo-developing technique." Then Facebook bought it. - The Observer (UK)
Leni Riefenstahl, Andy Warhol, the Black Power salute, and this year's floating heads - there's a long history of, and often a large budget for, art at the Olympics, whether an audience cares or not. - FastCompany
The road through the park has been closed since the start of the pandemic - and so have the museums. But now, as museums reopen? The closure to cars "has become a flash point." - The New York Times
"Just after the sun came up on installation day, with video cameras rolling from various vantage points, Ankrom put on a hardhat and safety vest, hoisted a ladder up to the larger freeway sign apparatus, and climbed up to the plank with his work." - The LAnd Magazine
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act has been law since 1990, but "tribes currently undergo an expensive process overseen by the museums and universities they are petitioning. Repatriation requests are processed through guidelines created by the institutions." - The New York Times
And that's because the museum made promises about the donation of a Francis Bacon collection - promises the donor says it hasn't kept. - The Observer (UK)
Rather hilariously, "Banksy expert Prof Paul Gough, principal and vice chancellor of Arts University Bournemouth, said he was 'pretty sure' the works were by Banksy, 'or they are very good fakes.'" - BBC
In one of the latest developments in a brutal civil war, "rebels from Ethiopia’s Tigray region have reportedly seized the town of Lalibela, home to UNESCO-protected 12th- and 13th-century rock-hewn churches." - Hyperallergic
"Across southern Europe, large wildfires have so far killed eight people and caused mass evacuations while also threatening to damage ancient cultural sites. In Greece, authorities have partially closed the Acropolis and other major archaeological sites while battling with dozens of conflagrations around Athens." - Hyperallergic