ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A Man Who Helped Loot Cambodia Wants To Atone, And Recover The Artifacts

Toek Tik was "an unschooled man from a thatch-roofed hut who recently began disclosing to authorities how he oversaw hundreds of confederates as they swept through temple ruins, pillaging sculptures and other treasures." - The New York Times

Why Are Online Art Shows Phoning It In?

After all, we've had nearly two years to experiment and make them at least decent, if not great. - Hyperallergic

An Archconservative Flips Out About The Met

The museum has an Afrofuturist room; therefore, civilization as "we" know it is ending. "Conservatives want to conserve. ... But if you value history, shouldn’t you value all histories?" - Hyperallergic

A Planned Virginia Woolf Statue Is Getting Pushback Because It’s By The Thames

The inventive author, who ended her life by walking into the River Ouse, absolutely deserves a statue. But, the local council asks, does it need to be beside a river? - The Guardian (UK)

Lubaina Himid Won The Turner When She Was 63

She wants her audience to understand difficulty - and the value of the grind. She says, "It’s not easy to make a painting, it’s actually very difficult. But it is possible to change something about yourself or about your surroundings or about the world.- The Guardian (UK)

TR (And The Horse He’s Riding On) Heading To North Dakota

The Teddy Roosevelt statue that's been in front of the American Museum of Natural History for decades will soon be bound for Minot, ND, "where it will eventually be displayed at the new Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library — located near Roosevelt’s former Badlands cattle ranches." - The New York Times

They’re Restoring The 1920s-Era Hollywood Sign

Crews uncovered in the foundation the names and handprints of some of the workers on the 1978 rebuild’s crew. The remnants of a “lean-to system” that was used to hold up the original 1923 Hollywoodland sign was also uncovered. - Deadline

Abu Dhabi Says It Will Build Two More Major Museums

“In Abu Dhabi there has been a very clear and conscious decision to invest in culture, and investing in culture does not just mean buildings. We’re investing in infrastructure, both soft and hard—whether it’s institutions, music programs, or school curricula.” - The Art Newspaper

New Buyers Are Painting San Francisco’s Colorful Old Houses “Gentrification Gray”

"To their proponents, they're understated and contemporary, with paint jobs that will take a beating without ever looking dirty. To their detractors, they're unimaginative, historically inaccurate aberrations, the kind of thing an affluent biotech CEO who wears a gray Patagonia fleece vest every day might appreciate." - The Guardian

Qatar Says It Will Make Itself A “Vast Outdoor Art Museum” For World Cup 2022

The public art project will ultimately involve 100 installations (70 are now in place), by both local artists and Western big names such as Richard Serra and Louise Bourgeois, at stadiums, rail stations, schools and shopping areas in Doha and other cities. - Artnet

Climate Change Is Damaging Australia’s Ancient Aboriginal Rock Art

Veteran archaeologists have noted visible changes just over the past half-century or less. Much of the rock art is painted on sandstone, which absorbs water from rains that are getting heavier; some of that stone is collapsing as salt expands and contracts in more variable weather. - The Guardian

One Of New York’s Biggest Collections Of Antiquities Is In The Manhattan DA’s Office

"The Antiquities Trafficking Unit is very much a victim of its own success. Set up in 2017 … to curb the smuggling of cultural heritage, it has seized 3,604 illicit items." 2,281 of those are still there; here's a look at eight of them. - The New York Times

Even Ancient Egyptian Relief Carvers Had Interns, And They Messed Up Sometimes, Too

"Scholars have long believed that apprentices learned their craft before they were allowed to carve reliefs for rooms like this one," the Chapel of Hatshepsut in Thebes. But one archaeologist says that apprentices did work on the wall reliefs: you can see the corrections the masters made. - ARTnews

Hmnnn – UK Change Of Stance On Repatriation Of The Parthenon Marbles?

When Boris Johnson’s spokesperson was asked on Tuesday, he said: “I won’t pre-empt their meeting, obviously, but the possession of the marbles is a matter purely for the museum. It’s not one for the UK government.” - The Guardian

Hong Kong’s Ambitious New M+ Opens, Built For A Different Time, Different Politics

The museum compares itself to Paris’s Centre Pompidou and New York’s Museum of Modern Art — but it has already moved to censor work as it walks a tightrope between its aspiration to be a world-class institution and the limits on free expression in Hong Kong. - Washington Post

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