ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Artists In Louisiana Are Trying To Help Those Harmed By Hurricane Ida

"I't’s been a real grassroots, community-led effort,' Abdul Aziz, a photojournalist, told Hyperallergic. 'It’s overwhelming and beautiful, and I don’t want to say shocking, but it is incredible that we’ve been able to create this sort of de facto emergency response government.'" - Hyperallergic

The Archaeology Of The Future Is Here

In Spain, an archaeology team looking at ancient Roman cities "routinely uses technologies such as ground-penetrating radar, drones and magnetometers – devices that measure magnetic fields – and over the years it has become a leader in this non-destructive way to interpret a country’s archeological heritage." - El Pais (Spain)

Piecing Together Roman Frescoes From French Ruins

In Arles, with thousands of pieces taken from the so-called House of the Harpist, "the fragments, some barely bigger than a fingernail, have been washed, labelled and placed into the cases to be examined one by one to see where they might fit into a bigger picture." - The Guardian (UK)

Art Museums Must Tell A Richer Story About Afghanistan

What's up with U.S. arts audiences? "We have been at war with and occupied Afghanistan for two decades, yet culturally it has been a blip." - Los Angeles Times

Just How Paranoid Is LA MoCA? (A Lot!)

At the end of the day Wednesday, a museum email arrived in my inbox with the almost-but-not-quite-news — along with a certifiably crazy list of demands for how the story must be covered by the Los Angeles Times. - Los Angeles Times

Meet LA MoCA’s Next Director

Joanna Burton joined the Wexner in early 2019 after its longtime director, Sherri Geldin, retired. In May, she hired Kelly Kivland away from the Dia Art Foundation in New York to be the Wexner’s chief curator and director of exhibitions. - ARTnews

Doctors In Brussels Are Prescribing Museum Visits To Treat Stress

A three-month trial at one of Belgium's largest hospitals involves selected mental health patients getting free visits — by prescription only! — to five of the capital's public art institutions." - Artnet

Architects Use Video Gaming Tools To Explain Projects

"We see games as a tool for engagement, for connecting people thinking about how they can become collaborative design environments."  - Dezeen

Consolidation: Four Prominent Galleries Join Up Under One Roof

In joining forces, the foursome are betting they will be more effective together than separately at a time when the gallery sector has seen a 20 percent drop in sales, and many small and midsize galleries are closing. - The New York Times

How Social Media Has Ruined Art?

The public sphere has been replaced with emotional outbursts and opportunities for consumption. Museums have followed suit, relinquishing their mission to enlighten and challenge the public and offering mere content instead. - ARTnews

New Orleans Museums Got Through Hurricane Ida In Decent Shape — So Far

With the post-Katrina levees and fortifications having done their job, the city's art institutions suffered no flood damage. The worry is how long the collections can tolerate Louisiana heat and humidity without electricity to run the climate control systems. - Artnet

Collector Buys Fake Banksy NFT

The piece did enough to convince a buyer – confusingly named Pranksy – to pay the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of pounds only to have the currency returned after what appeared to be an elaborate hoax by a scammer. - The Guardian

About That Basquiat Painting in Tiffany Blue…

Basquiat died in 1988 at 27, but in the last few days all sorts of people with various relationships to both him and his work have come out with their own theories on the painting’s origin story. - The New York Times

Eternal Return: Known Forgeries Keep Turning Up In The Art Market

"Anyone who thinks works of art declared fake simply disappear in disgrace or are destroyed should talk to Jane Kallir, author of the catalog raisonné for Egon Schiele. She was offered the same fake Schiele watercolor for authentication 10 times by 10 different collectors." - The New York Times

The Real Problem With The New Architecture At The World Trade Center Site? Fear

Justin Davidson: "This is a landscape shaped by fear. It has been formed not only by the reasoned response to a documented threat but by an amorphous, open-ended anxiety. You can see that disquiet embedded in the architecture … a monument to overweening caution." - New York Magazine

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