ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Come For The Star Wars, Stay For The Kara Walker…

At the Lucas Museum: “What would be fantastic is if people came looking for Star Wars and learn about Ralph McQuarrie and then they learn about Gentileschi,” Sandra Jackson-Dumont says. “If they come for Star Wars and leave having seen Kara Walker. - The Art Newspaper

Hunter Biden, Artist, Opens His Show. Are His Paintings Really Worth $500K?

As has been previously reported, his gallerist, George Bergès, is looking to fetch between $75,000 and $500,000 a piece for Biden’s paintings. And this has raised ethical issues the White House has not fully addressed. - Mother Jones

“Abstraction, I Think, Is Now Over,” Writes David Hockney

"It's run its course. … Its job was to take away the shadows that had dominated European art for centuries. It was only European art that used them. … The arts of China, Japan, India and Persia never use shadows or reflections." - The Art Newspaper

Why Don’t Museums Use Their Leverage?

In the museum world, there’s enormous potential stored in the museum’s permanent art collection – not as a financial asset, but as a lever for amplifying impact. Unfortunately, museums too often consider their collections to be exclusive. - MuseumNext

What Does A 550-Year-Old Tapestry Look Like After Four Years Of Cleaning? This.

The artwork, the oldest tapestry in the possession of the UK's National Trust, underwent 1,300 hours of conservation. While the colors are brighter and the detail work clearer, still murky is the question of where the piece spent most of the past five centuries. - The Guardian

Art Market Soars To Record £2.7 Billion, Driven By Online, NFT Sales

Having seen sales collapse by a third in the previous year because of the initial crisis caused by the pandemic, sales soared between June 2020 and June 2021 as auctioneers quickly adopted a more online approach. - The Guardian

Artists Are Questioning The Motives And Funding Of Their Own Galleries – And Countries

"Welcome to the life of a 21st-century activist artist, whose work is as likely to be exhibited at an international human rights tribunal as it is a museum, and in which death threats and cyberattacks are all in a day’s work." - The New York Times

How Munch Created His Madonna

The sketches below the surface show all the ways it could have gone wrong. - The Observer (UK)

This Year’s Turner Prize: Too Worthy For Its Own Good?

The prize was supposed to be populist, but now, and for the past few years, it seems to be idealist instead. " The traditional criteria for judging the prize... seem to be out of the window. - The Guardian (UK)

Can Museums And NFTs Find Common Ground?

For this to work, "museums need to acknowledge NFTs as a natural step in the evolution of contemporary art in sync with our digitally driven lives, whose emergence has only been catalysed by the pandemic." - Hyperallergic

The Guardian Of The Art Of Black Lives Matter

In 2020, in Washington, D.C.'s Lafayette Square, fencing to prevent protests was covered with artwork - and it all "became a symbol for the movement, a place where people stopped and took pictures, honoring what the fence and its signs stood for." - NPR

The U.S. Suddenly Has Two Mermaid Museums

What? One museum's founder: "Mermaids must’ve been coming through the ether." - Hyperallergic

Seattle Art Museum Appoints Constance Rice As Board Chair

The museum believes she is the first Black woman to chair a board of a major art museum, besides ethnic art museums, in the U.S., though it doesn’t have definitive data on that. - Seattle Times

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners, Traps, And Micro-Wasps: How Museums Fight The Bugs That Invade During Shutdowns

It's a battle even in normal times, but when the pandemic closed museums, clothes moths, silverfish, and carpet beetle larvae were left with no obstacles to moving in and chowing down on the collections. Here's how museums have been getting the vermin under control. - Artnet

Spain Finally Approves Money For Expansion Of Prado

The €36 million ($42 million) allocation, delayed by six years, will fund the renovation of the neighboring Salón de Reinos (Hall of Realms), which the Prado acquired in 2012. Projected completion is in 2024. - Artforum

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