ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How The Internet Changed Photography For The Masses (And A Nostalgia For The Past)

Curiously keen to recapture the not-knowing-what-the-hell-is-on-there waiting period that analog film required, young digital types have taken up the popular Dispo camera app, which forces its users to wait until 9 a.m. the following day before photos “develop” and they can view the damage. - The Atlantic

Glasgow School Of The Art, Ravaged By Fire, Decides To Rebuild Original Building

The school said it had looked closely at a wide range of alternatives, including a ‘do minimum’ approach, a new build on the site or elsewhere on the GSA campus, a hybrid or a full reinstatement. - The Architect's Journal

Reckoning With Monuments In The North

The American South isn't the only place with iffy monuments. Consider Boston. - The New Yorker

The Race Against Time To Save Australia’s Archives

Glass plate negatives, nitrite negatives, lantern slides, paper - all can disintegrate and decay. What will the digital records of these tangible archives tell humans in a century or two? - The Guardian (UK)

Painting Is Back In Britain, Baby

The Young British Artists are well established institutions, but now so-called Young British Painters, including several who are Black women, "are grabbing the attention and the cash, with some of their work fetching more than £1m a canvas." - The Observer (UK)

Memorials Can Make A Shift In How California – And The US – Sees Its History

As L.A.'s Chinese American Museum makes plans with full city support to commemorate the massacre of 1871, it's a good time to consider which monuments, and to whom, are visible around the country. There's so much more history to tell. - Los Angeles Times

Cambodia Asserts That The Met Has Dozens Of Looted Antiquities

This isn't idle speculation. "Cambodian officials said they have developed a spreadsheet of 45 'highly significant' items at the Met that the evidence suggests were stolen before being donated or sold to the museum." - The New York Times

Did Judy Chicago Troll A Crowd At The De Young Museum?

No, but yikes. "When that initial plume dispersed a bit the first things I could see were dozens of people running in the opposite direction, masked or scrambling to find their masks, and throwing their kids over their shoulders to escape." - Hyperallergic

A Different Kind Of Gold Torso

These aren't from ancient Greece or Rome. Instead, they're modern casts artist Ellen Downes makes to help women heal from trauma. - BBC

Seriously? Send Your Art To Space?

Uplift promotes ‘Constellation Vault’: ‘a platform for commercial promotion and exhibition in low Earth orbit’. ‘The Constellation Vault will offer patrons the exclusive opportunity to acquire highly coveted items for private sale and auction in space, delivered upon return to Earth.’ Apollo

Unknown Arshile Gorky Painting Discovered Behind Later Artwork On Paper

The newly discovered work, called Untitled (Virginia Summer) and dated ca. 1946-47, was found when the Arshile Gorky Foundation sent out The Limit (1947) for routine conservation. - Artnet

Robot Artists Detained By Egyptian Authorities Over Security Concerns

A robot artist made it to an exhibit at Egypt’s pyramids after its British maker said airport security held his creation for 10 days on suspicion it could be part of an espionage plot. - Washington Post

Chicago Art Institute Fired Its Docents. But The Story Isn’t So Simple

James Rondeau, the Institute’s director, said that the docents program had long been viewed as logistically unsustainable, and that the Institute had stopped adding new volunteers 12 years ago. - The New York Times

Tribute Or Marketing Stunt (Or Both)? Secretive Seattle Street Artist Stalks Manhattan Recreating “Shadowman”

Richard Hambleton painted his dark silhouette figures around the Lower East Side in the 1980s, becoming "the godfather of street art." The artist known as Nullbureau has lately been painting fresh copies of Hambleton's Shadowmen around New York, and some Hambleton devotees are outraged. - The New York Times

Sotheby’s Launches An NFT Marketplace

The layout of the Metaverse website, similar in format to NFT-specific platforms such as OpenSea and Nifty Gateway, is designed to display the NFTs so that viewers can easily see the transaction history of any piece. - ARTnews

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