ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


War, Images, And Ukraine

The fact that Ukraine feels more culturally familiar to many people watching these events closely has had a profound impact not just on the kinds of images that are circulating, but also how they circulate. - Washington Post

For The Second Time, The Roman Villa With Caravaggio’s Only Ceiling Mural Fails To Sell

In January, the Casino di Villa Boncompagni Ludovisi, also known as Villa Aurora, was put up for auction with a floor price of €471 million ($546 million), and nobody bid. This week the mansion went back on the block at a 20% discount (€376 million/$410 million). Still no buyer. - Artnet

Caracas’s Museum of Modern Art Starts To Emerge From Venezuela’s Years Of Chaos

After two years' closure, and with both storage/maintenance of the collection and staff salaries desperately underfunded, five of the museum's 13 display rooms have reopened. Employees and volunteers are working to get the impressive collection (e.g., Picasso, Chagall, Dalí, Calder, Botero) back in shape. - The New York Times

Can African Museums Transcend Colonial History?

Is an African museum, designed by an African architect, capable of undoing this level of institutional violence? Can it go beyond a restaging of the artefacts’ abduction? If not for an imperialist agenda, what is the role of the museum in a post-colonial world? - Hyperallergic

The Thinking Behind The Mellon Foundation’s Unusual New Logo

Moving away from “literal sensibilities” for logo choices, Opara tells It’s Nice That, the team went for a more symbolic direction, developing a morphing “M” which fluctuates in shape, texture and colour to reflect the transformative basis of Mellon’s work. - It's Nice That

A Receipt For One Of Yves Klein’s Invisible Artworks Just Sold For $1.2 Million

"On the auction block was a paper receipt for a 'Zone de sensibilité picturale immatérielle,' or a 'zone of empty space,' a 1959 conceptual creation. … Klein sold several such invisible 'zones' — each instantiated by a receipt — between 1959 and his death in 1962, accepting only pure gold as payment." - Artnet

Enforcing EU Sanctions, Finland Impounds $46 Million Worth Of Art Headed To Russia

The artworks, which belong to prominent Russian museums including the Hermitage and Tretyakov, were being returned from exhibitions in Italy and Japan. Finnish customs says it does not dispute Russia's ownership of the art and will keep it only for the duration of the sanctions. - Artnet

Bringing In Gamer Culture To The Museum

What if we put video game designers inside the gallery context? How could they reimagine the world of gaming for a more collective audience and with that kind of spatial format for their work? - ArtsHub

Palace Of Versailles Reopens The Tennis Court Where French Democracy Was Born (Wait, What?)

The Jeu de Paume room was built in 1686 for Louis XIV to play the game of the same name, an ancestor of modern tennis. At the start of the French Revolution in 1789, that room — now restored and reopened — was where the National Constituent Assembly was created. - Yahoo! (AFP)

The Hermitage Has Become Isolated

Once a leader in Russian cultural diplomacy overseas, the Hermitage is now isolated by the cultural boycotts of Russia that have multiplied through the western world since the war began. - The Art Newspaper

Uffizi Became Italy’s Most-Visited Attraction Last Year

Once a slow-changing bastion of tradition, it was announced on Monday that the institution famous for its Renaissance masterpieces had last year leapt past Rome’s Colosseum, the ruins of Pompeii, the Vatican Museums and other well-known sites. - The Guardian

How NFTs Are Upending The Art Market

What’s happening now is larger than the traditional tension between art and commerce, and it’s occurring at internet speed. - Alta Journal

Priceless Morozov Collection Will Be Returned From Paris Exhibition To Russia, Not Seized By Authorities

The gathering of these 200 artworks at the Fondation Louis Vuitton was one of the most popular museum shows in French history. Following the invasion of Ukraine, there were calls to withhold the collection rather than giving it back to Russia; those have now been rejected. - Artnet

The Hermitage Amsterdam, Having Cut Ties With St. Petersburg, Rebrands As Dutch Heritage Amsterdam

The museum was originally set up as a privately funded branch of the St. Petersburg flagship, an affiliation now ended due to the invasion of Ukraine. Other museums in the Netherlands will lend items to DHA for a five-part series of shows. - The Art Newspaper

Saltz: A Whitney Biennial That Works

It’s great to have the Biennial back — to talk about, to love and hate — after it was postponed a year because of the pandemic. The Biennial has always trafficked in the contemporary, but this year’s offering, even with the inclusion of deceased artists, radiates with the power of now. - New York Magazine

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