The effort to provide profiles of everyone from Resistance heroes to those wowed by Nazi propaganda "has touched a sensitive nerve among many Dutch people, ... argue that it fails to adequately distinguish between good and bad behavior." - The New York Times
"The new renderings include the Gordon Strong Automobile Objective, a planetarium proposed in 1925, as well as the National Life Insurance building, the floating cabins of Summer Colony on Lake Tahoe, and his most famous unrealized structure ... in Chicago."Â - Artnet
"On Tuesday, Egyptian archaeologists announced that they had uncovered a complete 1,800-year-old residential Roman city. … Most archaeological work in Luxor, a city that has regularly turned up all kinds of ancient material, has focused on temples and tombs, so the city is a somewhat unusual find." - ARTnews
The Texas-born "Princess Rita Jenrette Boncompagni Ludovisi has ... defied the court order demanding she vacate Rome’s Villa Aurora. The property is known for its rare mural by Caravaggio." - Artnet
The post-fire clearance took forever - "'intricate and painstaking' work, done by hand, of removing from the site and evaluating in excess of 2,400 of tonnes of fire-damaged material – 1,200 tonnes of which can be recycled for the rebuild." - The Guardian (UK)
"After its last leader departed to head the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art has named a new director: Asma Naeem, who had been the institution's interim co-director alongside Christine Dietze. Naeem will be the first person of color to lead the Baltimore Museum." - ARTnews
At the heart of the conflict: What is Austria? "We were trying to look beyond the Western canon as the only idea of what art is and we were also thinking about whom to address. ... We wanted Kunsthalle Wien to address multiple Viennas, not just the old established one." - Hyperallergic
"Still recovering its credibility after the headline-making FBI raid of its blockbuster Basquiat exhibition last year, the Orlando Museum of Art has been placed on probation by the American Alliance of Museums." - ARTnews
At the Art Gallery of Western Australia in Perth, two protestors spray-painted the logo of the company Woodside Energy on the perspex shield covering the museum's best-known painting. The point? To bring attention to Woodside's "ongoing desecration" of ancient indigenous rock art in the north of the state. - The Guardian
Thomas says he "focused on the Kings’ arms 'an embodiment of the ‘beloved community,’' a term the civil rights leader often used to describe a just society where everyone’s needs could be met." - The Guardian (UK)
Why would Whiteread say that? Well, the Trafalgar Square program has led to a lot of large-scale sculptures with no place to go. "Three-quarters of the former fourth plinth commissions are currently in storage, and only one is on display in the UK." - The Guardian (UK)
Before Charles Byrne "died by the time he "died at in 1783, at the age of 22, he had told his friends to bury him at sea to prevent surgeons or anatomists from obtaining his body." That's not what happened to the 7'7" Irishman. - The New York Times
Inside the story about Hamline University is a much deeper, truer piece of information: It's impossible to teach art history well without pissing people off. - Inside Higher Ed
The National Gallery of Canada’s interim chief operating officer and human resources director is being paid annual fees potentially worth up to a third more than its next chief executive and director. - ARTnews
The idols themselves are typically made of plain stone or metal alloy, but part of Hindu worship is adorning the statues with clothing, flowers, jewels, and, sometimes, even weapons. Here's a profile of a former computer scientist in Chennai who gave up his career to follow his calling. - AP