ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Louvre Is Exhibiting 16 Medieval Ukrainian Icons Smuggled Out While Kyiv Was Under Attack

"The works come from the Khanenko Museum, which sustained damages from a Russian missile strike last October, prompting increased safety measures to protect its cultural objects from Russian attacks as well as looting and illegal trade." - Hyperallergic

The “Astonishing” $52.5 Million Renovation Of Britain’s National Portrait Gallery

"New galleries have been opened up, learning spaces and restaurants added, and a public forecourt created, in a £41.3 million process of surgical slicing and stitching, giving the rambling warren a vital new lease of life." - The Guardian

A New “Generation-Changing” Museum For India

The new Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA) is due to open in 2026, near Delhi’s Indira Gandhi international airport. It will be “India’s national modern and contemporary art museum, for all intents and purposes.” - The Art Newspaper

The Remarkable 2,700-Year-Old Rock Paintings Just Discovered In Sweden

The designs were made through a laborious process of smacking stones against the granite rock that exposed an underlayer of white. This color, in addition to their size, made them highly visible from both the mainland and passing ships. - Artnet

Sculpture Stolen From A Museum Is Discovered Next To A Dumpster At A Casino

"A sculpture that was stolen from the North Dakota Museum of Art seven months ago was found next to a dumpster at the nearby Southgate Casino, Bar and Grill. Luckily for the two people who spotted the work, the museum had offered $1,000 for its safe return." - Artnet

Nine Suspects Charged In Theft Of Long-Missing Warhol, Pollock, And Other Works

"The thievery ring operated for more than two decades at 20 museums and stores across the eastern United States and parts of the Midwest." In 2002, the group allegedly took Pollock's painting Springs Winter (1949) and a Warhol silkscreen, La Grande Passion, from the Everhart Museum in Scranton, Pa. - ARTnews

In The Age Of AI, Form Seems To Be Making A Comeback

AI-driven image-making—far from heralding some future post-human development—appears to be reviving long-dormant visual strategies that dominated the arts, and art theories, of the past. - Artforum

Taliban Sell Tickets To Bamiyan Buddha Site They Destroyed In 2001

With the group now back in power, Bamian holds new symbolic and economic importance to the cash-strapped region: Officials see the Buddha remnants as a potentially lucrative source of revenue and are working to draw tourism around the site. - Washington Post

The International African American Museum Opens At Long Last

"The museum was built on the site of Gadsden’s Wharf, where an estimated 100,000 enslaved African individuals disembarked between 1783 and 1807. The new museum will explore the historical and cultural impact of the African diaspora" - vital as South Carolina bans discussion of race in schools. - Hyperallergic

The Conceptual Artist With Eight Alter Ego Artists, A Team Of Assistants, And An Ongoing Random Lecture Series

Ryan Gander: "For me, life is one massive prototyping experience." - The Observer (UK)

What’s Defining The Venice Biennale

At the Venice Biennale, many of the works move "from the postcolonial to the civilisational, where pride in the rediscovery of one’s own traditions takes centre stage and the west, no longer a benchmark of judgment, fades into irrelevance." - The Guardian (UK)

Artists Are So Very Sick Of Facebook And Instagram Deleting Art

"Works are often flagged by Instagram’s algorithm, a process that is far from impartial. A Guardian investigation published in February found that AI ranks women’s bodies as more sexually suggestive than men’s." - Hyperallergic

The Painter Of Bicycles

An interview with Brooklyn artist Talia Lambert. "So your painting studio is a loft, and there are bikes in that loft, and so finding the flow might involve kind of just really vibing on a bike that’s in there?" - Slate

The Sailor Who’s Now Got His Fingers On The Pulse Of The UK Art World

Mark Taylor: "It can be pretty heavy stuff out at sea, so I paint every day to stay level." - The Observer (UK)

The New Subway Art Of Los Angeles

"Viewing these underground art museums will cost you $1.75 (a subway ticket). The works on the subway platforms, in the station concourses and by the street-level entrances are large-scale and with strong points of view." - Los Angeles Times

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