ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Taking Standup Comedy Between Countries And Languages

Edinburgh Fringe comedians from Japan, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, Argentina, and Denmark talk to a reporter about establishing connections with a foreign audience, differing styles and subjects of comedy in different countries, and carrying jokes conceived in one language into another. - The Guardian

Can Theatre Make Any Impact In The Abortion Debate?

When faced with a loss of human rights—with accounts of real women being forced to bleed out because they cannot get an abortion for their miscarriages, or of preteen girls being forced to give birth—what any piece of theatre might do to counter such injustice naturally feels pitiful and small. - American Theatre

Seattle’s ACT Theatre Board Has Resigned En Masse (No, It’s A Good Thing)

“The question we asked most pointedly was: ‘If you can do this all over again, what would you have done differently? And the outcome of that meeting was: We have to disrupt the status quo.” - KUOW

Can You Actually Hypnotize Audience Members Into Doing Improv Theater Themselves? These Two Guys Say Yes.

In fact, Asad Mecci and Colin Mochrie say that (as long as the scene isn't complex) amateur audience members can do as well as professional comedians.  And Jason Zinoman writes that "the show I saw featured performers as committed as any improv comic I had seen." - The New York Times

Apparently, Some Brits Are Having Trouble With Pronouns

There's so much backlash to Joan of Arc using they/them in a new production at the Globe that the artistic director had to release a statement: "Shakespeare was not afraid to ask difficult questions. ... Shakespeare was not afraid of discomfort, and neither is the Globe." - What's On Stage (UK)

Denzel Washington Honors Playwright August Wilson At The Opening Of The Wilson House

"The August Wilson House is not a museum. Instead, the restored space is a community center that will offer artist residencies, gathering spaces, fellowships and other programming for up-and-coming artists and scholars. There is also an outdoor stage." - The New York Times

An Edinburgh Fringe Venue Canceled A Comedian For What It Calls Extreme Racism And Misogyny

The venue said that on the first night of Jerry Sadowitz's performance, many walked out and the venue "became immediately aware of content that was considered, among other things, extreme in its racism, sexism, homophobia and misogyny." - BBC

Ukrainian Children Bring A Play From A Bomb Shelter To Brooklyn

The show is Mom on Skype, and "is a series of seven monologues about family separation told from the perspective of children." - The New York Times

How Did The TikTok-Based ‘Bridgerton’ Musical Get So Big, And Then So Cancelled?

The creators of songs about the books (and TV show) won a Grammy, the author said she was humming their songs in the shower, and Netflix went along with it all. Then Barlow and Bear wanted to charge money for a Bridgerton musical, and Netflix lowered the boom. - BBC

Is The Out-Of-Town Tryout Done?

There’s a certain romance in the bygone days when shows would play Boston, Philadelphia and New Haven before turning up in the Big Apple, and despite their relative proximity to New York, critics tended to leave them alone. Coverage was the purview of the local press and trade publications such as Variety.  - The Stage

A Bunch Of Theater Company Directors In The Bay Area Are Leaving Their Jobs At Once.  Why Now?

Lily Janiak: "Recently, I heard about three artistic director resignations all in a single week. ... Three points do not a data set make, but it still felt like a wave within a wave. So I wondered: What's the deal with all these theater leaders leaving their jobs?" - San Francisco Chronicle

One Broadway Show Has Reintroduced Mask-Only Nights

"The Broadway production of The Kite Runner announced a policy Tuesday requiring masks for audience members at Friday evening performances only. The new hybrid policy marks the first of its kind on Broadway." - The Hollywood Reporter

The Staff (What’s Left Of It) At Chicago’s Victory Gardens Theater Unionizes

"The group of 16 employees — which includes front-of-house staff, stagehands and arts administrators — filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board last week" to join three locals of IATSE. They also called for the Board of Directors' resignation and decried "the broken 501(c)3 non-profit model." - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)

Just In: A New Theatre Season That Exhibits All The Current Trends

"This playwright read a Wikipedia page that mentioned a fascinating historical incident wherein Benedict Arnold and Frank Sinatra spent a night at the same tavern. What conversations they must have had! By the time the article was corrected, the writer was already halfway through." - The New Yorker

The Secrets Of Stage Blood

"Are there more types of fake blood than there are of real blood? Oh, positively.  ... As a prop master for the last 30-odd years, I've had to navigate my way through some truly inspirational and some pretty disastrous blood special effects ideas posed by directors and actors." - American Theatre

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