“If, by producing writers of the global majority, an artist like Nataki Garrett can be subjected to death threats, what does that say about the precarious situation our theater industry is in?" - The Hollywood Reporter
"We (Black people) have to wake up to the ways we are policing each other to our detriment. 'No more trauma-based writing!' These are rules. And Suzan-Lori Parks does not like to be policed. Any policing cuts me off from hearing the spirit." - The New York Times
Nataki Garrett has reduced the amount of Shakespeare in the company's programming, introduced color- and sometimes gender-blind casting as well as non-traditional stagings, made staff working hours more humane, and lowered ticket prices. And she's gotten death threats. - NPR
Class Act, based loosely on Shaw's Pygmalion and Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady, is inspired by lead actor Mish Gregor's "bogan" (that's Australian for "white trash") background and how she changed as a person as she crossed class boundaries as a theatre professional. - ArtsHub (Australia)
"Even though Pierce has enjoyed a robust career, which includes long stints on prestige television shows and an Obie award for sustained excellence of performance, the questions that obsess Willy — questions of attainment, opportunity, legacy — are questions that obsess him as well." - The New York Times
"What I think is so wonderful about getting older in this work is that you learn how much you don't have to do. You learn simplicity, you learn economy, you learn you don't need to have all this energy to tell the story." - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)
The Cuomo Theatre Collaborative will serve as a new building for small to midsize theatres such as Third Rail and PETE, and will serve as a space to nurture artists and the performing arts. The Cuomo Theatre Collaborative will operate under a model of collective leadership, artist empowerment, and affordable access. - American Theatre
The money – gifted in sums from $125,000 to $1.5-million, to both big institutions and smaller independent theatre, mostly based in Toronto, all but one in Ontario – is earmarked for a pair of broad purposes over the next two years: theatre production and marketing. - The Globe & Mail (Canada)
"Unfamiliar language, outdated ethics, baffling behaviour? We've become used to sifting racism or sexism in these texts – but what other problems give people pause in rehearsal or performance? ... Where do audiences and creatives stub their toes on Shakespeare's plays?" - The Guardian
The Antwerp-based collective FC Bergman bringsto BAM a work titled 300 el x 50 el x 30 el (the dimensions of Noah's Ark as described in scripture), "an ambitious hybrid of theater, installation and live video, with an elaborate set that recreated a rural settlement onstage." - The New York Times
Netflix sued in July, alleging that Emily Barlow and Abigail Bear had infringed on its copyrights by putting on a for-profit stage show at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The service argued that their conduct “stretches ‘fan fiction’ well past its breaking point.” - Variety
And her play Clyde's, a sequel of sorts to Sweat, the most produced play. "On the Top 20 Most-Produced Playwrights list, she is tied with the prolific Lauren Gunderson with a whopping 24 productions each." - American Theatre
Is it too expensive? Too inaccessible for performers without money? Too crowded? Too concentrated? Just too damned big? With so many people saying the Fringe is spinning out of control, a panel of five regulars offer suggestions for fixing the Scottish capital's massive event. - The Guardian
The number of people of color who were in this past season was just staggering to me. But that’s not the question. The question is, was this a systemic change, or was this a one-off? That is the only thing that matters. - American Theatre