ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A Tour Of Plays In Storefront Windows

Presented as a “walking tour with theatrical displays,” and running Feb. 19-21, the performance was not a traditional narrative play, but rather a collection of six short individual vignettes performed within the storefronts of six separate businesses in Chicago’s Andersonville neighborhood. - American Theatre

COVID Could Not Stop The Wooster Group

"They're our holy fools, who — even when no one is watching — keep the art's sacred fires burning. Rehearsal isn't so much a preparation-to-show as it is a kind of religious practice — as endless, deliberative, and open to inspiration as a Shaker meeting." Helen Shaw reports on what's kept them busy through the pandemic: their own original...

How Weird Are This Season’s Tony Awards Going To Be?

Weirder than ever before, no doubt. As the voters fill out their ballots this week and next, none of the shows they're considering have been onstage for a year, and they can't vote in a given category unless they've seen all the nominees. What's more, one of the major awards has only one nominee, but it's still possible for...

Why Working Digitally Will Be Here To Stay In The Theatre

“There are so many benefits to all this stuff, It’s going to make theatre more accessible. It’s going to help tackle the issue of diversity. It’s going to enable us to tell stories in completely new ways. And I know from experience that it actually encourages live audiences to come to the theatre. It’s actually going to support the...

What Have Theatre Artists Been Doing This Past Year? Eight Tell Their Stories

“This notion that we have to do something, that we have to find other ways to work. I was like, ‘Hello, this is an opportunity to just stop. Everybody just stop. Can we really not do that?’ I would say my track record is 50-50, but I’m more interested in looking than forcing things out.” - Los Angeles Times

On Zoom, Vimeo, PBS, Or An iPod, If A Theatre Company Does It, Is It Still Theatre?

Says the artistic director of a Twin Cities company, "I believe that theatre is storytelling and we are creating a new hybrid art form. It's not quite theatre in that it's video and not onstage, and it's not exactly film or television because it's live — but I still call it theatre." Here's a look at what exactly she...

Survey: When Theatre-Goers Will Be Ready To Return To Theatres

With the disclaimer that this wave of the research reflects current expectations about the pandemic, based on anxieties about vaccine distribution and the spread of COVID variants, and that theatregoers may adjust attitudes if they see prospects improve, the findings are unavoidably bleak for theatres. - American Theatre

Reviewing The First Play Written By An Artificial Intelligence Bot

"The biggest revelation, though, is that while a computer's imagination touches, somewhat randomly, on themes of love, loneliness, clowning and performance, it is most often obsessing about sex, which may not be surprising, given the prevalence of internet pornography." - The Guardian

How To Reopen Theatres Safely? Artists Turn To Global Network

The protocols these countries have developed the past year to permit some live performances depend greatly on the magnitude of the pandemic and the efforts by government to contain it. South Korea, for example, has operated some theater almost completely uninterrupted since the coronavirus manifested itself, and Australia has been inching back to widespread theater openings since the fall....

Stratford Festival Will Open This Summer, But With A Short Season Held In Tents

In a regular year, it's North America's largest summer theatre festival, but with the pandemic only barely starting to subside, Stratford is planning to present just a dozen or so performances, each featuring no more than eight cast members and running about 90 minutes, on two stages under large canopies outside their theatres in central Ontario. - Global News...

Australian Theatre Is Lighting The Way For The West End And Broadway

Actors get temperature-taking robots; there's Hamiltizer for your hands if you're rehearsing Hamilton; and then there are the actors who can't hug - so Olaf and Elsa flash each other peace signs instead. Audience members have their own rules, and they won't be at the stage door begging for selfies now either - but sales in Australia are strong...

Stage Actors In Paris Offer ‘Poetic Consultations’ By Phone

"'I am calling you for a poetic consultation,' said a warm voice on the telephone. 'It all starts with a very simple question: How are you?' Since March, almost 15,000 people around the world have received a call like this. These conversations with actors, who offer a one-on-one chat before reading a poem selected for the recipient, started as...

As They Stream Their Work, Theater Companies Find A New, Far-Flung Public

"Across the country, and beyond its borders, many theaters say new audiences for their streaming offerings has been an unexpected silver lining — one that could have ramifications for the industry even after it is safe to perform live again and presenters try to return patrons to their seats." - The New York Times

Turkish Government Harasses Kurdish Theater, Accusing It Of ‘Terrorist Propaganda’

"In a country where Turkish is the only official language, speaking Kurdish is sometimes seen as an act of rebellion." (It is the mother tongue of nearly 20 million people in the Turkish Republic and another 20 million in neighboring countries.) "Teatra Jiyana Nû, or New Life Theater, has struggled to find stages to perform its repertoire, which includes...

What Is Native American Comedy?

"I’ve debated different scenarios in my life about “What is Native?” And that is like the million-dollar question, at least within Indigenous communities at this moment. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus, and I love that, because it just demonstrates how diverse we are — that there is no singular definition — and that’s okay." - New York...

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