ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Trying To Get More Women Into India’s Growing Standup Comedy Scene

That's as both audience members and performers. - Deutsche Welle

Good Things Happen When A Variety Of Black Viewpoints Can Be Seen On Broadway

"In the last few weeks, I've seen … Trouble in Mind, Caroline, or Change and Clyde's. Individually, their plots and period settings offer great insight into how far we've really come. But taken together, they reveal a full range of aesthetic and racial possibilities." - The New York Times

Amid The Omicron Wave, Understudies Have Become The Heroes Of Broadway

As cast members test positive for the new coronavirus variant and have to isolate, these under-recognized performers — many of whom must master two or three roles which they have little chance to rehearse — make the difference between the show going on and getting cancelled. - The New York Times

Watch: “Music Man” Understudy Kathy Voytko Steps In At Last Minute. Hugh Jackman Pays Tribute

Jackman told the audience "Kathy, when she turned up at work at 12 o'clock could have played any of 8 roles. It happened to be the leading lady. She found out at 12 noon today and at 1 o'clock she had her very first rehearsal as Marion Paroo. This is unprecedented. - Broadway World

American Contemporary Theatre Closes Its Acclaimed MFA Program

The program consistently ranked as one of the top five graduate acting schools in the country, after more than five decades educating such distinguished alumni as Denzel Washington, Anna Deavere Smith, Annette Bening, Elizabeth Banks and Anika Noni Rose. - San Francisco Chronicle

Omicron Shutdown Comes At A Bad Time For Broadway

This selective information release does little to quell anxieties, and resentment toward the Broadway establishment is often triggered. - Washington Post

Fifteen Minutes Before Curtain Time, Broadway Playwright Steps In To Save Performance From Cancellation

With three cast members testing positive for COVID and only two understudies available, Keenan Scott II grabbed his script for Thoughts of a Colored Man and decided to go onstage himself. (Alas, after the following night's performance, the run was cancelled anyway.) - Playbill

Why Cecily Strong Dares To Do “The Search For Signs Of Intelligent Life In The Universe”

"Of course I wanted to do this. The biggest reason to say no is, why would you ever put yourself in a position to be compared to Lily Tomlin? But you hear Leigh talk about it and you start tearing up." - The New York Times

Sydney Theatres Band Together For Strict New COVID Policies

Their rules require all visitors to be fully vaccinated while on-site (excluding those under 16 years), and to wear masks while in the theatres and indoor spaces (except when eating and drinking and excluding those under 12 years). - ArtsHub

The Abrupt Closing Of Circus Oz Reflects A Bigger, Wider Problem In Australian Arts

The larger issue is the years-long attempt by (mostly conservative) federal and state governments to make funding of arts groups contingent on corporate-style board governance rather than leaving control in the hands of artists. - ArtsHub (Australia)

All These Canceled Performances Are Really Hurting Broadway In The Pocketbook

Box office grosses are down by one quarter just from the previous week by nearly one half from Christmas week in 2019, the last one before the pandemic. - The New York Times

A New Sequel To “West Side Story” Will Take Maria Back To Puerto Rico

Long Wharf Theater in New Haven has commissioned Mildred Ruiz-Sapp and Steven Sapp of the company Universes to create a musical, titled Maria, that will see the heroine return to the island after her boyfriend Tony's murder. - Forbes

Broadway Will Not Be Shutting Down Completely, Declares President Of Broadway League

"Yes, some shows are closing. we have absolutely no plans to shut down. We are paying serious attention to the protocols. The other 20 to 30 shows continue to perform because we're following the protocols that we set up, and it shows they're working." - The Hollywood Reporter

“Best Theatre of 2021” Makes No Sense – But There’s Plenty To Be Grateful For

No one could pretend that we’re back to normal yet. There likely is no going back — and after a year of overdue cultural reckonings, that may be for the best. - Los Angeles Times

Seven Theatre Trends For 2022

Journalist Jonathan Mandell looks at the trends from the past year and sees progress and stagnation. - New York Theatre

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