Jed Perl’s “Authority and Freedom: A Defense of the Arts” is useful in showing the problems with thinking of social justice as inherent to serious art rather than one of many forms it may take. - The New York Times
A research report titled "Future Fringe" says that the world's biggest theatre and arts festival suffers from a lack of clear lines of authority and accountability, no "common set of standards", a growth-at-all-costs mentality, and a "pay-to-perform landscape." - The Scotsman
The scripts, 110 already uploaded and the rest coming later this year, "join Drama Online's award-winning digital library, an online research tool for drama and literature students, professors, and teachers. … The collection includes work by David Henry Hwang, Tony Kushner, Dael Orlandersmith, and Anne Washburn, among others." - Playbill
I learned all of these compositional principles from Babbitt. What it amounts to is, music exists in time, so how do you make it cohere? And that’s just as true with a three-minute song as it is with an hour-and-a-half opera, you know? - The New Yorker
The arbitration case was brought by Dramatic Publishing, which licenses the decades-old Mockingbird play by Christopher Sergel, long popular with schools and community theaters. The estate had tried to stop local productions of that script as Aaron Sorkin's new version was headed to Broadway. - The New York Times
"Broadway's mask and vaccination policy will remain in place through at least April 30, the most recent extension date for the policy announced last month. Broadway has required audience members to be be vaccinated and wearing a mask since its return last year." - Playbill
The "TikTok tickets" scheme will offer £10 seats, along with subsidized travel to Stratford-upon-Avon, to people aged 14 to 25 for this summer's productions of Richard III and All's Well That Ends Well. - BBC
As the loose, famously immersive adaptation of Macbeth restarts after two years of COVID, Alexis Soloski considers the influence the show has had on Punchdrunk (the British troupe that produced it) and other companies — and the script alterations that audience behavior has forced on it. - The New York Times
Playing the last Plantagenet king will be Arthur Hughes, 30 years old and born with radial dysplasia. (He identifies as "limb-different".) The production opens at Stratford-upon-Avon in June. - The Guardian
The quick upshot: While the formerly $15 billion industry was still recovering, many shows made up much, if not all, lost momentum. But the gains were uneven; established brands saw strong sales while newer work, especially plays, struggled. - Forbes
Would you believe that interactive Zoom mystery theatre is a thing? Actor Bright Ong says, "The tectonic plates under have shifted, and the industry is changing." - BBC
As Music Man showed, you shut down for days; keep paying everyone; and hire great swings. "We had swings covering seven roles and trying to hold up that show. And they did." One swing "is 10 years old, and she was covering three tracks." - The New York Times
Those changes include better pay equity and HR, safety training, hour caps, and, crucially, ending the ambitious seven-production summer season. The Festival's statement says its programming henceforth "will match its capacity to support the staff and trainees who make the Festival possible." - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)
This Los Angeles cultural institution is at a crossroads as it goes through its first leadership change in 17 years, and confronts questions about its mission, programming and appeal in a changing city, all amid a debilitating pandemic. - The New York Times
In an excerpt from his new history of Method acting, Isaac Butler looks at the American Laboratory Theatre, where, in the 1920s, two of Stanislavski's students at the Moscow Art Theatre, Richard Boleslavsky and Maira Ouspenskaya, began teaching what they called Stanislavski's "system." - American Theatre