"He explored the interior world of the self and the nature of reality in dramas of every description – Shakespeare, opera, Asian epic and invented language – on stages and spaces all over the Earth. Literally the earth on many occasions." - The Guardian
An emeritus professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a specialist in Russian music, Mr. Taruskin was the author of a number of groundbreaking musicological studies, including the sweeping six-volume Oxford History of Western Music. - The New York Times
When you’re writing orchestral music, you’re often asked: “What kind of forces will you need?” It’s both militaristic and kind of Jedi. I think about the idea of the orchestra as this high-tech contraption, with all these moving parts that fit together like a spaceship. - Pitchfork
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) shared the clip on Twitter — and blasted the popular PBS/HBO children’s show for allowing Elmo to “aggressively advocate for vaccinating children UNDER 5.” He added: “You cite ZERO scientific evidence for this.” - Washington Post
He was a Roman soldier martyred in the 3rd century CE, traditionally depicted tied to a tree, wearing only a loincloth, his bare torso pierced with arrows. Here's what we know about his life and why he became a gay icon. (It wasn't just the bare torso.) - Artnet
Gilliam’s abstractions are unusual in that they are often sculptural, in essence suggesting that painting need not be two-dimensional. Working by methods in which his paint was allowed to roll down his canvas on its own accord, he embraced chance and relinquished control. - ARTnews
"(He) helped pioneer the science and art of computer graphics and made many of the first computer-generated pictures, portraits and movies." - The New York Times
"Known today primarily for his literary works, it is often forgotten that ETA Hoffmann, a multi-faceted artist and universal genius, also practised as a lawyer, composer, Kapellmeister, music critic and illustrator." - Bachtrack
Allen, who has died at 76, inspired filmmakers and playwrights. She ran a charm school for young trans people in Chicago, usually from the economic margins. "Lessons covered table manners, dating etiquette and job-interview comportment, as well as tips on hygiene, dressing and makeup." - The New York Times
“Maybe writing this book would make my father’s … catastrophic personality, seem beautiful to me. … And … maybe … I would seem interesting and modern to him.” - Washington Post
"To be honest, no one I know under 30 cares or knows much about Elvis. The classic version of rock ’n’ roll just doesn't exist the way it once did, and that's in large part because younger audiences are less interested in it." - Yahoo
So your Alexa may soon be able to mimic your departed nan, long-lost friend or, presumably, someone off the TV. The goal is to "make the memories last" after "so many of us have lost someone we love" during the pandemic, said Rohit Prasad, an Amazon senior vice president. - Sky News