ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Salman Rushdie Attack: Suspect Says He “Read Like Two Pages” Of “The Satanic Verses”

Hadi Matar, speaking from his cell at the Chautauqua County Jail: "I read a couple pages. I didn't read the whole thing cover to cover. ... I don't like him very much. He's someone who attacked Islam, he attacked their beliefs, the belief systems." - New York Post

Who Were The Dudes Jet-Skiing On Venice’s Grand Canal?

"The mayor of Venice has said he is on the hunt for the 'two overbearing idiots' who were filmed gliding along the Grand Canal on motorised foil surfboards. The young men were spotted dodging gondolas and waterbuses as they navigated Venice's main thoroughfare on Thursday morning." - The Guardian

Department Of Ego-Mania: Mariah Carey Tries To Trademark “Queen Of Christmas”

The 53-year-old pop singer is trying to trademark that title so that she alone can sell goods — perfume, lotion, sunglasses, face masks — and market herself as the Queen of Christmas. - Washington Post

How Maria Montez Made Hollywood Make Her A Star

"An immigrant from the Dominican Republic with minimal acting skills, she managed by sheer force of will to become one of Hollywood's brightest stars during the WWII years. ... She dedicated herself to a tried and true method – courting controversy and never letting the Hollywood press forget her name." - The Guardian

Argentine Prosecutors Link Placido Domingo To Criminal Gang

Numerous broadcast channels in Latin America have been airing excerpts of audio recordings, obtained by wiretap, that include the voice of a man whom authorities claim is Domingo making plans with members of the alleged criminal ring. - NPR

The Unexpurgated Darwin — Lost Notebooks Reveal His Thinking

For academics, the uncooked contents of the notebooks represent some of the liveliest writing in biology. “A lot of Darwin’s prose feels quite Victorian. But these are different: an early form of stream of consciousness; like Leopold Bloom on steroids.” - The New Yorker

The 1927 Scandal That Made Mae West’s Career

"Before West hit the big-screen, she was prosecuted for staging not one, but two scandalous plays. In this episode of Decoder Ring, we look at how West honed her persona when she was under the bright lights of Broadway and the flashbulbs of the tabloids — and briefly behind bars." - Slate

Gina Lollobrigida, 1950s And ’60s Movie Star, Is Running For The Italian Senate At Age 95

"(She) is endeavouring to become a senator with the Sovereign and Popular Italy party (ISP), a new Eurosceptic, anti-Mario-Draghi political alliance that opposes sending arms to Ukraine and 'warmongering Atlanticism'." - The Guardian

Nicholas Evans, TV Producer And Author Of “The Horse Whisperer”, Dead At 72

He had a thriving career in network TV journalism and some success making films for cable TV until a rough patch in his 40s saw him write his first novel — which became a huge bestseller thanks to Robert Redford's hit film. - MSN (The Telegraph, UK)

Salman Rushie, The Man, The Words

What makes the story so tragic, and the comic-television moment so illustrative of his nature, is that Salman, to those who knew him—no, know him—as a friend, was the most amiable of men, the least narrowly contentious, the most rational and reasonable guy they would ever meet. - The New Yorker

Zofia Posmysz, Who Survived A Concentration Camp And Wrote About Them For Decades, 98

Posmysz, who as a student worked with others in the Polish resistance to the Nazis, later "gained acclaim for her works on the Holocaust as a journalist, novelist, playwright and screenwriter." - The New York Times

Director Gurinder Chadha On Her Unconventional Life And Career

"People might tell you that you’re the odd one out. Remember you’re not, you too are the mainstream. The world might try to make differences a pejorative thing, but I’ve carved out a whole career by celebrating it." - The Guardian (UK)

Poet And Novelist Elana Dykewomon Has Died At 75

Her career started with a book that was originally aimed as pornography for bored housewives. But "when ultimately published, Riverfinger Women 'was the first book that was advertised in The New York Times that was identified as a lesbian book.'" - The New York Times

Rushdie Off Ventilator, Cracking Jokes

But he still has severe and "life changing injuries," said his son. - The Hollywood Reporter (AP)

The Joyful Bicycles Of Jean-Jacques Sempe

Sempé, who died on Thursday at 89, had a whimsical style. "His ink cartoons were often set in a mythical mid-century Paris or millennial New York, but their appeal was universal." - Slate

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