Informed that the English village where he lived was considering ending mail delivery on Sundays, the great novelist wrote, basically, that if he couldn't receive his fan mail seven days a week, well, he just might have to sell his house and leave town. - BBC
Scottish actor Kate Dickie says, "I’ve had people tell me, ‘Oh, I saw a film you were in and I didn’t even realise it was you.’ That’s great because it means that you’re doing your job properly – although it’s maybe not so great for networking." - The Observer (UK)
Nate Brubaker, 27, was putting Baltimore and D.C. "on the industry map for its ability to make high-quality films" when he and fellow filmmaker Martin Whittier, 37, were killed driving back from a networking event in Philadelphia. - Baltimore Sun
The ashes of the woman who played Lieutenant Uhura at the behest of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and who died last month at 89, will go on a rocket "set to travel between 150 million and 300 million kilometers into space beyond the Earth." - The New York Times
"These days, despite having stepped back from the New World Symphony, Thomas has not stopped trying to influence musicians coming up the ranks." - MSN (Boston Globe)
LuPone, along with two others, "led MCC across four decades, producing shows that ended up on Broadway like Frozen, Reasons to Be Pretty, Hand to God, School Girls; or the African Mean Girls Play and Wit." He also earned a Tony nomination for his performance in A Chorus Line.- Variety
"These are some of the brave young Ukrainians" — a cinematographer, a choreographer, an artist, an actor, a line producer — "who have remained in the nation's capital despite the continued stark realities of war." - Mic
People with encyclopedic minds are often paralyzed by the sheer quantity of what they know. Taruskin could step back from the crowd of facts and marshal them into mobile lines of thought. - The New Yorker
Further investigation will show if Domingo was aware of the Yoga School cult’s alleged crimes and of his friends’ connections to the group. But the media reaction to the story shows a tendency to exaggerate suspicions and report tendentiously where celebrities are concerned. - Van
The great African-American singer-actor suffered a great deal in his home country because of his fervent Communism, but — starting in 1941, when he performed and recorded the March of the Volunteers (which became, and remains, the PRC's national anthem) — he was celebrated for it in mainland China. - Aeon
"The daughters, Susan Kendall Newman and Nell Newman, allege their own charity organizations are both supposed to receive $400,000 a year from the Newman's Own Foundation under a mandate by their father, but the foundation has cut those payments in half in recent years." - AP
"(He) moved seamlessly between genres, writing serious comic novels, comic serious novels and bestselling mystery novels — in addition to working on soap opera One Life to Live, which drew acclaim during his run as head writer for its zany humor and sensitive explorations of social issues." - MSN (The Washington Post)
"Ms. Vincent was a lesbian. She was not transgender, or gender fluid. ... She was a contrarian, and proud of it. ... She tilted at postmodernism and multiculturalism. She argued for the rights of fetuses and against identity politics, which she saw as infantilizing and irresponsible." - The New York Times
What makes him such an exemplary film composer is the adroitness with which he used style as a catalyst, conspiring with directors to illuminate crucial elements of character, tone, and plot through the expressive resources at his disposal. - New Criterion
Police in New Jersey said there was groping at the Monster-Mania convention. "The 78-year-old Busey ... was charged Friday with two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual contact and a single count of attempted criminal sexual contact. He was also charged with harassment." - Philadelphia Inquirer