"The soprano with wild curls of dark hair was … an icon in the Tropicalia and Brazilian popular music movements who enjoyed a nearly six-decade career." - AP
Co-founder of Toronto firm Diamond Schmitt Architects, he was lead designer for that city's Four Seasons Centre, the Maison Symphonique in Montreal, the Mariinsky II in St. Petersburg, Jerusalem's City Hall, and the gut renovation of David Geffen Hall at New York's Lincoln Center. - The Globe and Mail (Canada)
"She knows exactly what to do, loves without reservation, then must go. So she sacrifices. She always has to leave those that she loves. She's about non-attachment. Perhaps that's why she's such a powerful figure to me, because I'm far too attached to pretty much everything." - The New Yorker
Duchovny has moved fluidly between social circles, careers, and media. He was well into graduate school, preparing the fancifully titled (but never written) PhD dissertation, “Magic and Technology in Contemporary Fiction and Poetry,” when he took an interest in playwriting. - LA Review of Books
Mary Gaitskill called Godfrey's Under the Bridge "'a remarkable piece of investigative journalism,' adding that Ms. Godfrey 'allows us to almost see what is essentially unseeable.'" - The New York Times
His director, the actor John Lithgow, said, "He was a dream to direct. ... None of us had ever worked with someone who was so happy, proud and grateful to be performing his own writing." - The New York Times
Grumbach, "in novels, essays and literary criticism explored the social and psychic hardships of women trapped in repressive families or disintegrating marriages, and ... portrayed lesbian characters and themes in a positive light that was then unusual." - The New York Times
Duncan-Jones' "Shakespeare was a thin-skinned scrooge, misogynist and unabashed social climber — 'a rather unlikable man,' she wrote," based on decades of research but still (one must ask - really? Had people seen Taming of the Shrew?) still shocking the world. - The New York Times
"It is not to say that there wouldn’t be room for improvement, and that’s the fun part actually, because I’m nearing an age where many other people are planning their retirement and slowing down and enjoying life. My feeling is, I’m just starting." - Nob Hill Gazette
Born and raised in Minneapolis, he's had a 70-year career (so far), with around 500 credits on IMDb and, evidently, another 200 in voiceovers — and he founded the Los Angeles troupe East West Players, the country's leading Asian-American theater company. - The Hollywood Reporter
"(He) created a world of oddballs sharing life's chaos with a pointy-eared bull terrier that once barked a flower to death, and sometimes with a herd of cats that shredded couches and window shades between sweet naps." - The New York Times
From spaceships powered by exploding nuclear bombs to the eponymous “Dyson spheres” that could be used by advanced alien civilizations to capture energy from their suns, Dyson’s roving mind roamed across the physical and human universe. - 3 Quarks Daily
She was famous for a kind of glamorous hauteur, which the bedraggled dining critics of today, with their furtive TikTok feeds and constantly buzzing phones, can only imagine. She was famous for her taste, which was considerable, and her work in the restaurant community. - New York Magazine
He wrote for the Glasgow Herald, the Sunday Times of London, "the Observer and Vanity Fair before joining the team that created the Independent on Sunday, which he edited from 1991 to 1995. From there he moved to the editor's chair at literary magazine Granta, where he remained until 2007." - The Observer (UK)