ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Killers Of The Flower Moon May Be In Theatres, But Oklahoma Kids Are Barred From Learning The Story

Teachers are too afraid to teach the book or the reality. "If such policies continue, new generations of Americans will be deprived of the wisdom of history — all of history: the stirring, the cautionary, the truth." - The New York Times

The Biggest Failure Of An Art Conservator’s Career

Hey, it wasn't as bad as the botched Ecce Homo restoration in Spain, right? Right? - LitHub

As The Actors’ Strike Reaches 100 Days, Talks To Resume This Week

"'I’m always saying to , you could be the heroes in this,' said Fran Drescher, president of SAG-AFTRA. ... 'The eyes of the industry are looking at you. Lean into what is hard but what is right.'" - Los Angeles Times

Has The Great British Bake-Off Regained Its Mojo?

The first thing to do was to get rid of the deeply alarming "ethnic" bakes. - NPR

Portland’s Artists Rep Lays Off Its New Artistic Director

The grim news for Artists Repertory Theatre continues as the board lays off Jeannette Harrison "in a cost-cutting move." - Oregon ArtsWatch

Counter-Programming The Taylor Swift Movie With The Films Of Her Many Actor Ex-Boyfriends

Sheer marketing genius for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. - The New York Times

The Streaming Music Revolution Began With A Demo Tape

Thirty years ago, The Ugly Mugs just wanted to get their music into people's hands. - Fast Company

Art Organizations Went On A One-Day Strike In Support Of Inhabitants Of Gaza

On Friday, October 20, "across New York City, Amsterdam, Santiago, Berlin, London, and beyond, dozens of art galleries, museums, and individuals their spaces and studios to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza." - Hyperallergic

92nd St Y Abruptly Pulls Event With Pulitzer Prizewinner Viet Thanh Nguyen

The author of the new memoir Man of Two Faces had signed a letter critical of the Israeli government's actions in Gaza. - The New York Times

Australian Theatres Have Become All About The Contemporary

Of the 79 plays being performed in 2024, 68 (87%) were written after 2000, 60 (76%) were written after 2014 and 23 (29%) will have their world premiere in 2024. Only three were written prior to the 20th century. - ArtsHub

What It Would Mean For Music If Bandcamp Goes Away

First, there’s the fear that an uncaring new ownership might end up sending one of the world’s most vital music libraries down the digital flush hole. Then there’s the concurrent fear that the community surrounding this special ecosystem will erode and go poof. - Washington Post

Research: Public Radio’s Storycorps Debates Move The Dial

Jennifer Richeson analyzed questionnaires completed by 400 One Small Step participants before and after their conversations. Her analysis showed that both liberals and conservatives felt more empathetic towards their partners following their conversations. - Current

Culture Wars And The Shaping Of Language

The culture wars that take place over controversial moral questions are, in part, battles over which ethically loaded concepts should win out within a society. - Aeon

Museums Are Caught In A Big Donor Problem

"There’s less philanthropic money around and need to work a lot harder to engage new donors and this will require a more balanced approach to ethics. There is no such thing as “pure” private funding. If you dig deep enough, anyone who’s made a lot of money is likely to have some skeletons." - Apollo

The Swiftie Universe Expands Yet Again (To Film). What’s It Mean?

Swift is that rare artist who’s been rolling along, picking up new fans and keeping the old, during her long career. Just as Taylor has reinvented herself, giving some lyrics little tweaks in her re-recordings, different iterations of me, and everyone, have had our own evolutions. - Washington Post

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