ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Right Wing Journalist Nominated To Lead Venice Biennale

Since coming to power last fall, Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni and her party the Fratelli d’Italia have been installing right-leaning candidates into leadership positions in the culture sector. - Artnet

Fascinating List – Here Are The Most-Banned Books In US Prisons

The list includes Amy Schumer’s memoir The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, flagged by Florida officials for graphic sexual content and for being “a threat to the security, order, or rehabilitative objectives. - The Guardian

Public Radio Station Sees Huge Ratings Boost With High-Context News

“We've been in a crazy news cycle, people are coming to us for nuance and context, like they've been doing many public radio stations across the country,” WYPR Chief Content Officer Jonathan Blakley says about the station's 40% Aug.-Sept. gain according to Nielsen. - Inside Radio

Tate Modern Reopens Its Controversial Panoramic Viewing Platform

The rooftop viewing gallery was designed to give panoramic views of the city, and it opened in 2016. It quickly became the subject of controversy after visitors began peering into the glass-walled, luxury apartments opposite and, in some cases, taking invasive snaps for Instagram.  - Artnet

Is Our Definition Of Creativity Too Narrow?

You can show creativity in countless activities, from organising storage space to trimming shrubs to fixing a hole in your wall to training the local crows so they bring you shiny objects. I understand the art bias. - Aeon

How Does A Kosovo Theater Dramatize The End Of The Post-Yugoslav Wars? Farce, Of Course.

In Jeton Neziraj’s Negotiating Peace, "vain generals can only be lured to the negotiating table by promises of Hollywood films celebrating their actions. Opposing parties get drunk while negotiating demilitarised zones, mix up drafts of ceasefire agreements and sign on the wrong dotted line." - The Guardian

2023 List: America’s Most Arts-Vibrant Cities

Adjusting values on a per capita basis as well as accounting for differences in costs of living enable this analysis to level the playing field as much as possible. - SMU Cultural Data

All About Fake Movie Blood

"In all its elemental, metaphorical, campy, over-the-top, gore-y goodness, blood is something that has seeped into the visual vocabulary of movies. But how exactly did all that gloop get on the movie set? It’s kind of a sticky story." - Quartz

Board Of The Much-Troubled Banff Centre Is Fired

The Province of Alberta has sacked the board and appointed an administrator to oversee and assess. The institution has suffered for years with poor leadership. - Rocky Mountain Outlook

You Should Never, Ever Tell David Sedaris Your Humiliating Stories

Well, unless you want them recounted in his writings or on stage, as Gabb Schivone learned the hard way. - Yahoo! (Slate)

This Is What AI Thinks Is Attractive Humans

When an AI image-generation tool—like the ones made by Midjourney, Stability AI, or Adobe—is prompted to create a picture of a person, that person is likely to be better-looking than those of us who actually walk the planet Earth. - The Atlantic

How Akram Khan Found Himself Combining Classical Indian Kathak With Contemporary Dance

"That was accidental. … (At university) there were modules on contemporary dance. I didn’t know what the hell that was. But I decided because it’s dance, I’ll do that. I don’t think anybody really knows how to combine the two. ... My body got confused, and I celebrated that confusion." - San Francisco Classical Voice

Spotify Says It Will De-Monetize Least-Popular Tracks

Presumably, Spotify will frame this as a way to combat fraud and to limit payments to ambient-noise generators, but it could also have a tremendous effect on the service’s role within the independent music world. - Stereogram

In Search Of The Songs In Shakespeare’s First Folio

The plays have many passages marked as songs, but no indication of what the melodies were or who composed them. Identifying that music requires a lot of detective work, and scholar Ross Duffin has found art songs by composers such as Thomas Morley and popular ballads. - The New York Times

Conductor Zdeněk Mácal Is Dead At 87

After fleeing Czechoslovakia following the 1968 Soviet invasion, he made an international career. He was music director/chief conductor of the Cologne Radio Symphony (1970-74), the NDR Radiphilharmonie in Hannover (1980-1983), the Milwaukee Symphony (1986-1995), New Jersey Symphony (1993-2002), and, in a triumphant return to his homeland, the Czech Philharmonic (2003-2007). -

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