ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Israeli Writer Etgar Karet Can’t Make Sense Of This Time

Karet's parents, Holocaust survivors, taught him "that when there are big incidents, there are big narratives. And those big narratives would say: You have a role. You are now a victim. You are now a hero. And they said, 'Don’t believe those roles.'" - The New York Times

A 260-Year-Old Theatre Token May Be Honored In England

The token, one of very few originally issued between 1764 and 1766 for the Bristol Old Vic, allows the owner unlimited tickets to the theatre. - BBC

Michelle Williams Creating An Audiobook For Britney Spears Is Part Of A Bigger Trend

"Narrating audiobooks is closer to theater than it is TV or film. For one, it's a more direct, more spare performance compared to screen acting, and ... it's straight-up an endurance test." - NPR

More Editors Resign, And Artists Call For Boycott Of Artforum After Firing Of Editor In Chief

And many Artforum employees "have signed a letter demanding that Velasco be reinstated, saying his termination 'not only carries chilling implications for Artforum’s editorial independence but disaffirms the very mission of the magazine.'" - The New York Times

Mixing Choral Arts And Activism In Baltimore

"The Baltimore Choral Arts Society sings Amadou Diallo’s last words slowly and softly, as if they were a prayer or an invocation of a blessing." - Baltimore Sun

The Friendly Ghosts Of Long Lost Silent Film Stars

"To be a silent star is to be almost completely, but maybe imperfectly, physically gone; to be a fan of silent films is to feel as though you’ve been given the gift of seeing the dead." - The Smart Set

Joanna Merlin, Who Made Her Mark Onstage And Off, Has Died At 90

Merlin originated the role of Tzeitel in Fiddler, and starred in Beckett with Sir Laurence Olivier - but after she left the stage to raise her children, Hal Prince called her up for a new role: Broadway casting director. - The New York Times

The Streaming Squeeze Is On

Will it ever end? And how much can one household afford? - The Verge

Right Wing Journalist Nominated To Lead Venice Biennale

Since coming to power last fall, Italy’s far-right leader Giorgia Meloni and her party the Fratelli d’Italia have been installing right-leaning candidates into leadership positions in the culture sector. - Artnet

Fascinating List – Here Are The Most-Banned Books In US Prisons

The list includes Amy Schumer’s memoir The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, flagged by Florida officials for graphic sexual content and for being “a threat to the security, order, or rehabilitative objectives. - The Guardian

Public Radio Station Sees Huge Ratings Boost With High-Context News

“We've been in a crazy news cycle, people are coming to us for nuance and context, like they've been doing many public radio stations across the country,” WYPR Chief Content Officer Jonathan Blakley says about the station's 40% Aug.-Sept. gain according to Nielsen. - Inside Radio

Tate Modern Reopens Its Controversial Panoramic Viewing Platform

The rooftop viewing gallery was designed to give panoramic views of the city, and it opened in 2016. It quickly became the subject of controversy after visitors began peering into the glass-walled, luxury apartments opposite and, in some cases, taking invasive snaps for Instagram.  - Artnet

Is Our Definition Of Creativity Too Narrow?

You can show creativity in countless activities, from organising storage space to trimming shrubs to fixing a hole in your wall to training the local crows so they bring you shiny objects. I understand the art bias. - Aeon

How Does A Kosovo Theater Dramatize The End Of The Post-Yugoslav Wars? Farce, Of Course.

In Jeton Neziraj’s Negotiating Peace, "vain generals can only be lured to the negotiating table by promises of Hollywood films celebrating their actions. Opposing parties get drunk while negotiating demilitarised zones, mix up drafts of ceasefire agreements and sign on the wrong dotted line." - The Guardian

2023 List: America’s Most Arts-Vibrant Cities

Adjusting values on a per capita basis as well as accounting for differences in costs of living enable this analysis to level the playing field as much as possible. - SMU Cultural Data

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