ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Publisher Of Mark Meadows’ Election Book Pull It, Sue The Author For Millions

Meadows apparently admitted to the special prosecutor that he lied in his book - and his conservative publisher wants a lot of money back. - Daily Beast

Misdirection Helps Artists Fight Back Against Scraper AI Programs

One newish way to screw up DALL-E and other AIs that scoop up humans' millions of hours of work: "You can think of Nightshade as adding a small poison pill inside an artwork." - NPR

Can Ballet Be ‘Sensory Friendly’?

Ballet North Texas is sure trying. - Dallas Observer

Who Owns The White House Rockwells?

A judge makes a determination in this years-long legal case. - The New York Times

A Hollywood Writer’s Re-Entry To Work Blues

The actors are still out, so work isn't intense just yet. "What’s holding it up? Short answer: studio stupidity over AI." - The Hollywood Reporter

The Author Of ‘The Power’ Says Her Job Is Courage

"Nobody wants a pessimistic novel now," author Naomi Alderman says. "I would like to try and use my magical powers for good and write something where we can go, "Look, there are ways out of all of this.'" - The Guardian (UK)

The Massive Collapse Of News

No, you can't blame social media. - The Atlantic

The Plan To Improve This Tube Station Is Super Secret

Rowan Moore wants more info about Liverpool Street Station plans."Given the scale and impact of this orgy of construction and disruption, the burden of proof is surely on to demonstrate its necessity." - The Observer (UK)

What We Lost When We Lost Netflix DVDs

Scorsese completion, for instance. "Disney can choose not to offer Kundun digitally. What it can’t change is that the movie was released on DVD. Without Netflix’s discs, there’s one less way to watch out-of-print movies like that one." - The New York Times

A Broadway Choreographer Tells Us How To Stay Creative

Sometimes, the germ of a creative idea can even comes from doomscrolling on Instagram. - Slate

A ‘Shocking’ Play Is Canceled After A Firestorm Of Controversy Hits A California Community College

"After complaints from students and faculty ... , growing murmurs of protests at performances and an anonymous vote by student participants in the production, By the River Rivanna was canceled hours before its opening night."  - MSN (Los Angeles Times)

Cincinnati Ballet’s New Director Cervilio Amador

The story of his defection in Miami while on tour with the National Ballet of Cuba is now the stuff of legend. It was 2003. He was 20, and “hungry for a different scenario." - Cincinnati Business Courier

Portland’s Arts Council Dumps Leader After Staff Complaints, Amid Funding Fight

Executive Director Carol Tatch’s "ouster comes amid an acrimonious battle between RACC, which has been the major funding organization for arts organizations in Portland and the tri-county area since the 1990s, and the City of Portland." - Oregon ArtsWatch

Here’s One Artist Excited By AI

Sir Peter Blake, "at the age of 91, ... has been collaborating with a robot powered by AI and is excited by the artistic possibilities of this 'kind of magic.'" - The Guardian (UK)

What Costumes And Make-Up Do For Actors Who Have To Age A Decade Each Season

The showrunners of For All Mankind didn't really anticipate making it to season four. - The New York Times

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