ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How Black Musicians Are Reclaiming Folk Genres

Today Black folk performers have reached a critical mass and level of exposure not seen since the early decades of the 20th century, when Black bands like Cannon’s Jug Stompers and the Memphis Jug Band were among the most commercially popular in the country. - The New York Times

When ‘Regeneration’ Architecture Goes Disastrously Wrong

Sure, you can blame Boris Johnson for this Hackney Walk - and you might not be entirely wrong - but there's more to the story. - The Guardian (UK)

The Internet Has Changed How Those In Gaza Tell Their Stories To The World

And that has likely changed how Millennials and Gen-Zers see and feel about what's happening now. - The New York Times

Hollywood Will Be Glad To Know That Movies Can Be Therapeutic Gold

People in cinematherapy "engage with carefully selected films that resonate with their personal experiences. They connect with characters and storylines, extract meaning, and reflect on how the narratives relate." - Wired

The Occult Is Rising In The Art World

Surrealism is back, amid "a new generation has been inspired by witchcraft, mysticism and spiritualism." - The Observer (UK)

How National Parks Tell The Story, And The Myth, Of The United States

It's a provocative discussion. There are many sites "where the story is being reframed at this very moment." - Hyperallergic

The Arts Can Help Solve Our Addiction Crisis

But "what should the arts be doing? They can break the national narratives around addiction," first off. Not everyone goes to AA. And not everyone relapses. - Salon

Happy Banned Theatre Week, From California

At Santa Monica College, "the campus police chief told if protesters breached backstage during a performance, they could grab fire extinguishers to defend themselves." - Los Angeles Times

Alfred Molina On Playing A Lawyer In The Scopes Monkey Trial

"We've had a lot of excited conversations after the play with members of the audience who are responding very energetically to the questions that the play brings up." - LAist

The Challenges Of Describing Dance

Making ballet accessible to those with low vision or those who are blind isn't simple. It's so much more than just the movement - but it's that too. - The New York Times

That Freshman Year Class Where You Learn To Make A ‘Selfie’ Quilt

"At the end of the first week, I hand out needles and thread." - Inside Higher Ed

Joan Armatrading Has Entered The Classical Music Chat

"Armatrading’s creative life is built on asking questions." - The New York Times

This Finnegan’s Wake Reading Group Has Finished The Book, 28 Years On

There's a reason Finnegan's Wake often has reading "gropes" instead. "Fialka leans into that visionary aspect, describing his group as 'more a performance art piece than a book club.'" - The Guardian (UK)

Who Is Blocking Latinx Representation In Hollywood?

"Every culture, country or ethnic group is a fragile project held together by duct tape and shared myths. In the most literal sense, we are the stories we tell." - Los Angeles Times

The Secret Life Of A Times Square Busker

"A stream of passengers walked by, searching for anything to look at other than the 32-year-old man struggling to fit an egg-shaped cardboard headpiece imprinted with the visage of a Nintendo mascot onto his neck." - Slate

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