ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Vatican Makes It Easier To Visit An Ancient Roman Necropolis

"In the past, organized tours of the necropolis were generally only granted to approved groups of academics, students and other specialists." Now, anyone with a ticket has the same access. - NPR

Athletes Are Reshaping Parts Of The Art Market

"Many sports figures are being courted by galleries, auction houses, art shows and museums." - The New York Times

Season Six Of The Crown Started Off With Some Very Weird Choices

The script choices were so disturbing that Vulture's critics called "an emergency discussion" to thrash out why the season's early episodes are haunted. - Vulture

The Musical About A Finnish-Candian Socialist Island Utopia Opens In Finland

"Although set at the start of the 20th century, play producer Mika Kaartinen says the theme of searching for a better life resonates just as strongly today." - CBC

In This Climate, And With The Strikes, The Marvels Didn’t Ever Stand A Chance

You didn't read this in the headlines last week, but hey, The Marvels was "the biggest debut ever for a Black woman director." - HuffPost

The Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall Is Gorgeous

But is it the right place for art? - Hyperallergic

The Now-Former Poetry Editor Of The New York Times Explains Her Resignation

"I can’t write about poetry amidst the ‘reasonable’ tones of those who aim to acclimatize us to this unreasonable suffering. No more ghoulish euphemisms. No more verbally sanitized hellscapes. No more warmongering lies." - LitHub

The Backlash Against Univision For Its Friendly Trump ‘Interview’ Has Gathered Steam

The interview with the former president "was conducted by Enrique Acevedo, an anchor from Mexican network Televisa who is not a Univision journalist. The two media groups merged last year. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner reportedly helped organize the interview." - Los Angeles Times

Has Sony Revealed The Secret Of Its Terrible Spider-Man Spinoffs?

We're all in on this now, right? It's all one big meme? - The Guardian (UK)

Ridley Scott Couldn’t Care Less About Being Historically Accurate In Napoleon

But he does care if audiences get "bum ache" from sitting too long, so his imperial movie is a mere 158 minutes. - BBC

Nora Roberts Has Been Laughing All The Way To The Bank

"Before Roberts, the romance genre was dominated by tepid and virginal women who were overpowered by brooding men. Roberts changed all that by thrusting romance into the modern era." - The New York Times

An Epic Pandemic Theatre Trek

Part I, in which "a Lakota playwright, 7 Indigenous actors, and an L.A.-based ensemble survive a pandemic, cross thousands of prairie miles, and confront centuries of history to make a play." - American Theatre

Making Art About Ballet, Behind The Scenes

Karon Davis - daughter of Ben Vereen and Nancy Bruner - says, "I want to show what happens before you get to that point — all the labor, all the sacrifice, all the bloody toes and the sore muscles." - The New York Times

Chicago’s High School Teachers Created A Nationally Prominent Museum

"Wander back in time, not to 1987, but to September 1982. ... Chicago Public Schools system would treat Spanish-speaking students as if they were learning-disabled." - Chicago Sun-Times

Composer David Del Tredici, Pulitzer Prize-Winner, Has Died At 86

Del Tredici "became best known for a midcareer shift toward a style that came to be called the New Romanticism, which yielded a series of rich-hued, tuneful pieces based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice stories." - The New York Times

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