ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Children Of City Ballet’s Nutcracker

One candy cane (aka a "Hoops"): "Not all ballet companies involve children in their productions, and New York City Ballet kind of prioritizes children. I think that’s cool. It makes you feel special, like sometimes it’s a confidence boost." - The New York Times

Are Lyrics Free Speech, Or Court Case Evidence?

In Britain, it's definitely the latter: "At least 240 people in the UK have had rap music used against them as criminal evidence in court in the last three years." Wait, what? - Irish Times

Hollywood Has Some Decisions To Make Around Guns On Set

It's been two years since Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed when the gun Alec Baldwin was using on set contained a live bullet, and Hollywood still can't agree that using replica guns is safer. - The New York Times

Remember When The UK Was Going To Return The Parthenon Marbles?

Greece remembers. But does Britain? And where exactly do the negotiations stand? - The Guardian (UK)

How To Write About Music Without Sounding Ridiculous

It's nearly impossible to write about instrumental albums and "the inarticulable narrative created by the changing relationship between sounds." - The Atlantic

A Majority Of Film Crew Members Have Dealt With Unsafe Working Conditions

Should cinematographers die for the sake of a camera shot? Seems not, yet very little has changed in years since some famous, and avoidable, deaths. - The Guardian (UK)

The Tight Relationship Between Cookbooks And Gaming

A new Dragon Age cookbook "admittedly derives from well-worn Europe-centered fantasy tropes — you have your fantasy England, your fantasy France, your fantasy Roman Empire, your underground dwarves" - and their cheese, ham, and giant spider legs. - The Verge

A ‘City Of Books’ In Korea Has More Than 900 Publishing-Related Business

This was a civic decision: "In clustering all of its bookmakers in one place, South Korea hoped to better produce and distribute a major part of its culture." - The New York Times

Can We Fall In Love With Cinemas Again?

Even before COVID-19, "Living rooms and streaming platforms beckoned, offering sweet relief from, not to get too Sartrean about it, the hell of other people" (and their trash, texting, and chatter). - Los Angeles Times

Pina Bausch’s The Rite Of Spring Has Spent Two Years Becoming An African Dance

For African dancers to perform it, said Senegalese choreographer, dance company founder and dancer Germaine Acogny, "felt absolutely right." - The New York Times

Why Is Joaquin Phoenix So Very Unhappy?

"The statement his acting seems to be making, more and more, is that the world is too dire, too mired in injustice — that there are too many people putting cream in their coffee — for him to allow any pleasure to seep into his acting." - Variety

How Are Kids Affected By Florida’s Book Bans?

Surprise! Book bans are not actually "for the children." - NPR

The Re-Rise Of Britain’s High Street Record Store

In 2019, HMV, the century-old record company closed its main London store. Four years and a pandemic later? Here it comes again. - BBC

You’ll Never Guess Who Won The Streaming Wars

A Merry Scottish Christmas, anyone? - Wired

How Admen And Psychologists Collaborated In The Early 20th Century To Monetize Our Attention

This marriage of convenience between American psychologists and American ad-men was a cozy connection warmed across the early decades of the twentieth century. - Asterisk

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