ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Americans Are Consuming More News On TikTok, Less On Other Social Media

"In just three years, the share of U.S. adults who say they regularly get news from TikTok has more than quadrupled, from 3% in 2020 to 14% in 2023. … About a third of Americans (ages 18 to 29) say they regularly get news there." - Pew Research Center

Seattle Indie Radio Phenom KEXP Buys San Francisco Station

KEXP has purchased San Francisco’s KREV 92.7 radio station, and pending FCC approval, “will be taking full ownership and operation” of the station “within the next few months.” - Seattle Times

Author A.S. Byatt Is Dead At 87

"Dame Antonia Susan Duffy, who wrote under the name AS Byatt, authored complex and critically acclaimed novels, including the Booker Prize-winning Possession and her examination of artistic creation, The Children’s Book. Over her career, she won a swathe of literary awards." - The Guardian

Cambodia Is Doing Mass Evictions Of Families Living At Angkor Wat

"Amnesty International … (has) charged that the evictions of an estimated 10,000 families by Cambodian authorities violated international and national law. It said the evicted people have received little or no compensation and the government’s two main resettlement sites have inadequate facilities in terms of roads, water, electricity supplies and sanitation." - AP

Valery Gergiev Named General Director Of Bolshoi Theater As Well As Mariinsky

"Izvestiya reported that Gergiev will become the intendant of the Bolshoi Theatre (in Moscow) and will remain in the same position at (St. Petersburg's) Mariinsky Theatre, which he has been running since 1988. … Before the Russian Revolution in 1917 the two theatres were run in this way." - Gramilano

Art Institute Of Chicago’s Ex-Payroll Manager Sentenced To Prison For Embezzling $2.3 Million

Michael Maurello will serve three years in prison followed by three years of supervised release. He had pled guilty to falsifying the Institute's financial records in order to funnel payroll money into his personal accounts from 2007 to 2020. - MSN (Chicago Tribune)

Alvin Ailey Company Artistic Director Robert Battle Resigns

"'I am going to spend more time with my family, and I am going to focus on my health,' he wrote, but he did not specify those health concerns or give further reasons for the suddenness of his departure, … (though he) noted recent deaths in his family." - The New York Times

Toronto Symphony Lands A Record-Label Deal

The orchestra, with music director Gustavo Gimeno, has signed a long-term partnership agreement with Harmonia Mundi; this is the label's first signing of a North American orchestra. The first release, of Messiaen’s Turangalîla-Symphonie, debuts next February. - Ludwig Van

Gawker Has Been Bought Again, This Time by A Singaporean Rock Mogul

The new owner, Meng Ru Kuok, runs the Caldecott Music Group, which includes BandLab Technologies, NME Networks, and major guitar-maker Vista; he says his relaunched Gawker will be notably different from past versions. (Interestingly, the purchase included the domain name and trademark but not the article archives.) - Variety

Why Spoilers Don’t Really Spoil Your Favorite Shows Or Books

In a series of psychological experiments published in 2011, researchers in California found that knowing the end of a story did not diminish readers’ enjoyment. In fact, readers preferred the stories where they had the ending revealed to them beforehand. - The Conversation

Comparing The 233 Surviving Copies Of Shakespeare’s First Folio (Fascinating Differences)

None of the folios were identical; sometimes a letter or word would be different, evidence of the typesetter at William Jaggard’s London printshop tinkering with errors throughout the process. - LitHub

Obsolete? Schools Are Getting Rid Of Their Librarians (But Here’s What’s Being Lost)

Some K-12 decision makers perceive school librarians as little more than quaint remnants of a bygone era. And if the number of our nation's certified school librarians continues to decline as it has for the past few decades, this perception may one day become a reality. - Governing

African Art Is Prospering, Powered By Social Media

Today, for the booming young population of Africa and its diaspora, the relationship is more direct. There’s a reciprocity of inspiration, fueled by a multitude of creative efforts and propelled by social media platforms like TikTok. - The New York Times

Why Is New Zealand’s Creative Economy Growing Faster Than National GDP?

"It’s heartening to see the strong GDP growth in the arts and creative sector over the past year despite the ongoing challenges from the effects of COVID and cost-of-living pressures. The GDP of $14.9b is a 12-month increase of 10% - compared to total economy GDP growth of 5.3%." - The Big Idea

Learning From Dancing Robots

Choreography is a way to start conversations about how bodies make meaning, whose bodies matter, how bodies interface with technologies. Dance is a way of demonstrating how agile, how kinesthetically intelligent, how capable today’s robots are. Making robots dance is astonishingly hard. - Dance Magazine

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