ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The British Museum Scandal Has Ruined Faith In Art Institutions

"Brilliant art cannot make up for a catastrophic year for our most cherished institution. ... We need people in charge who are visionary and strong-minded, as well as in possession of a moral compass." - Yahoo News (The Telegraph)

Vera Molnar, Innovator Of Computer Art, Has Died At 99

Molnar "has been called the godmother of generative art for her ... digital work, which started with the hulking computers of the 1960s and evolved through the current age of NFTs." - The New York Times

Can A New Instrument Make Playing Classical Music More Accessible To People With Disabilities?

"The Clarion is essentially software which can mimic the sound of any instrument you desire and works on technology including iPads." That might sound suspect, but one designer says it's "software in the same way that a violin is made of wood." - BBC

What An Autistic Man Thinks Of A ‘New Wave’ Of Autism Rep On Screen

Jason Jacoby Lee, who is non-verbal but recently learned to communicate through pointing to letters on a board, says of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, for instance: "It is painful to watch." - Teen Vogue

They Say The Lights Are Bright Off-Broadway

"Progress is neither inevitable nor consistent. The theatrical climate has become as unpredictable as our ailing planet’s weather. The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the artistic gains that were made. No one knows where any of this is heading." - MSN (Los Angeles Times)

Do Banned Books Tables At Bookstores Do Anything To Help Authors?

Honestly, To Kill a Mockingbird doesn't need a Banned Books table. But youth book authors who are authors of color or LGBTQIA are facing desperate times as the actual battle is fought about school visits. - The New York Times

Artists May Be Losing Work For Their Posts About Gaza, But That’s Not Censorship

"Every artist must exist in two realms: as the art maker, who thinks and ponders and creates work of radical honesty (an activity that one could argue is inherently political), and as the art mover, who, however reluctantly, must be part showman and part businessperson." - MSN (The Atlantic)

The Golden Globes’ Most Obvious Snub Is A Weird Repeat Of Last Year

The movie Air was nominated, and actor Matt Damon was nominated, so where in the heck was a nomination for Viola Davis? - HuffPost

Israel Detains West Bank Refugee Camp’s Freedom Theatre Members

The artistic director; his brother; the general manager; and a recent graduate were all arrested on Wednesday. "In their statement, the Freedom Theatre adds that in the last few weeks, three members of their company have been killed." - American Theatre

Michael Bishop, Genre-Busting Author, Has Died At 78

Bishop "was best known for his award-winning science fiction, but ranged far beyond the genre, venturing into realism, noir mystery and even Southern Gothic." - The New York Times

Mailchimp Cancels A Podcast, Apparently To Avoid Working With Unionized Workers

According to Pineapple Street Studios, "management gave them an ultimatum: sign a side agreement allowing the company to hire non-union contractors, or Mailchimp walks not only from the new series, but from the ads and existing show as well." - The Verge

Why Do We Keep Making Movies About The Holocaust?

So much can go wrong, not to mention that "whatever can be shown on screen will always be less hellish than the reality." - The Guardian (UK)

Uh-Oh: The Spotify-cation Of Books Is Coming

The “The Long Tail” was that a slew of niche content creators would prosper on the internet. That has proved illusory for most of them. It’s a winner-takes-all game; too often the tech platforms aggregating the content and the blockbusters win it all, starving a large majority of creators. - The New York Times

The Storytellers Shaping American Stages

What we have witnessed on the American stage over the past three decades is the emergence of what is now multiple generations of playwrights and dramatists who have tilled, seeded, and harvested the grounds laid by Hansberry, Shange, and so many others in order to shout and despair, but also appeal and sing. - Bazaar

Wier Harmon, 57, Seattle Impresario-In-Chief

“His innate belief that we’re better together — whether that’s through civic discourse, music, theater or any of the magic that happens in the Town Hall building — is the very spirit of Town Hall.” - Seattle Times

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