ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Stage 100 For 2021 Honors British Theatre’s Response To COVID

"Arts workers in the NHS, composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, actor Michael Balogun and theatre company 20 Stories High are among those recognised in this year's The Stage 100 list, which has been reimagined to celebrate the industry's response to the pandemic." - The Stage

Parisian Billionaire’s Museum Is, At Last, Ready To Open

"At 84, the billionaire François Pinault will finally realise a 20-year plan to build a private museum for his contemporary art collection in Paris. France's third-richest man is poised to open the Bourse de Commerce-Pinault Collection just two blocks away from the Musée du Louvre on 23 January — as long as pandemic restrictions allow." - The Art Newspaper

Orbán Gov’t In Hungary Fans Rightist Backlash Against Black Lives Matter Artwork

"Commentators on pro-government television chatshows threatened to pull the statue down if it was erected, and compared it to putting up a monument to Adolf Hitler. Others laughed that it was an absurdity given there are few black people in Budapest. … Notably, most pro-government coverage neglected to note that the statue will only be a two-week installation,...

The Organization Working To Reimagine Public Monuments

The goal is to assess the country’s landscape of public memory in a time when our shared identity as Americans feels strained, if not broken. Then we can begin to understand where we go from here, says Monument Lab cofounder and director Paul Farber. - Philadelphia Inquirer

Ex-Employees Of The California Arts Council Speak Out

"When it comes to the arts program specialists, I and several of my former colleagues found it to be a space that causes fear of retaliation, targeting and silencing, and where leadership lacks accountability." - Hyperallergic

After 40 Years Leading San Francisco Ballet, Helgi Tomasson To Step Down

Since being named to the position in 1985, Tomasson, 78, has been hailed for his success at combining excellence in the classical ballet repertoire with a spirit of artistic innovation and the development of new work. Tomasson alone has created more than 50 dances for the company, as well as commissioning work from a wide range of contemporary masters...

The Fifteen-Minute City? Sweden Considers The “One-Minute City”

A plan piloted by Swedish national innovation body Vinnova and design think tank ArkDes focuses attention on what Dan Hill, Vinnova’s director of strategic design, calls the “one-minute city.” It’s a order of magnitude smaller than other recent think-local planning conceits. While Paris works with a 15-minute radius and Barcelona’s superblocks with nine-block chunks of the city, Sweden’s project operates at the single...

Australian Artists: Why Did The National Government Forget Us?

"For some, state governments stepped up and provided support. But the message to artists from the federal government was: you are not important to the national agenda, and therefore we can –and will – ignore you." - ArtsHub

Why Doesn’t The Entertainment Biz Give Proper Credit To Its Choreographers?

The Emmys and Tonys give their Best Choreography trophies without the TV cameras running; the Oscars don't even have a category for dancemakers, and the credits for music videos these days often don't bother to mention them. With popular TV shows like So You Think You Can Dance making some choreographers famous, it's time for the rest of the...

Arts Organizations Turn To Stars For Fundraising

The pandemic has forced arts institutions on both sides of the Atlantic to swiftly up their online game. The New York City Ballet and the School of American Ballet usually hold a big benefit event and a backstage tour for donors after a Christmas Saturday matinee of The Nutcracker. This time Tiler Peck, principal dancer, gave an online tour...

Analyzing The Fallout From The New York Times’s ‘Caliphate’ Podcast

The Peabody- and Pulitzer-winning audio series lost much of its luster (and gave up its awards) when its primary subject was revealed to be a big ol' liar fabulist. Media columnist Nicholas Quah considers how the flawed material got past editors in the first place, what consequences have been suffered by the main people involved, and the complications the...

What The Reality Of Cows Has To Inform Humans

A cow sporting VR goggles is comedic as much as it is tragic. There’s horror, too, in that it may foretell our own alienated futures. After all, how different is our experience? We submit to emotion trackers. We log into biofeedback machines. We sign up for tracking and tracing. We let advertisers’ eyes watch us constantly and mappers store...

Who Exactly Invented The Alphabet, And When?

The Sumerians had cuneiform and the Egyptians hieroglyphics, both complex and difficult to master, but who developed the system where each character represents a particular sound and the characters (letters) can be combined to form words the way sounds are? The Phoenicians invented the alphabet from which all the European and Near Eastern scripts (and possibly those of India...

The Art World’s 12 Biggest 2020 Controversies

Museums and galleries faced financial challenges that threatened their very existence, as Black Lives Matter uprisings forced a reckoning with the art world’s structural racism and controversial monuments that celebrate shameful histories around the globe. - Artnet

A New Print Magazine (!) About Theatre Is Here

"The folks behind Encore Monthly, a brand new magazine about theatre that just published its first issue …, think the time is ripe to provide theatregoers, deprived as we are of theatre we can witness in person, to read about it, and they say they're equipped to hang on until it comes raging back." In a Q&A, founding editor-in-chief...

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