Choreographer Robert Moses: "The notion of change is sophomoric. The idea is to give people honest opportunity to be part of whatever they're intending to be a part of. … Should we have more representation? No, we should have more influence. More actual ability to exercise that influence and power. All those things will be happening for the better...
"This failure has many roots: The low social status of teachers and librarians relative to those in other professions, the lack of consistent instruction about information and media literacy across students’ educational experience, the diminishment of the humanities as a core element of general education, and the difficulty of keeping up with technological change and digital culture have all...
"In a country where Turkish is the only official language, speaking Kurdish is sometimes seen as an act of rebellion." (It is the mother tongue of nearly 20 million people in the Turkish Republic and another 20 million in neighboring countries.) "Teatra Jiyana Nû, or New Life Theater, has struggled to find stages to perform its repertoire, which includes...
I was so surprised how “place-keeping” became such a sticky word across the country. I was offering a strong artist’s point of view about place, one in which artists weren’t being instrumentalized by the architect, or even the city planner, who wants a vibrant cultural district so that they can have sales; generate tax dollars. - Open Space
"The Prado paid €70,000 (around $85,000) for La Boulonnaise, a 1929 work by the Spanish painter María Blanchard. … But the move has riled some commentators, who point to a 1995 law dictating that any works created after 1881 belong in the collection of the Reina Sofia ." - Artnet
"For those who view the very notion of the canon as inherently elitist, it’s worth noting that the phenomena mostly clearly implicated in its formation were the democratizing processes of the late 19th and early 20th century: the massive extension of free education—not just to little white proto-patriarchs, but to girls, and children from diverse communities as well—together with...
"An actor in her 20s … accuses Depardieu of having raped and assaulted her at his Parisian home on two separate occasions in August 2018. … An initial investigation into the rape accusations against the 72-year old was dropped in 2019 for lack of evidence. It was reopened last summer, leading to criminal charges being filed in December." -...
"I’ve debated different scenarios in my life about “What is Native?” And that is like the million-dollar question, at least within Indigenous communities at this moment. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus, and I love that, because it just demonstrates how diverse we are — that there is no singular definition — and that’s okay." - New York...
Pesca, a public radio veteran who has been hosting Slate's daily news podcast, The Gist, since 2012, was suspended indefinitely without pay this week in the wake of a debate among staffers on the company's Slack channel about whether it is ever acceptable for a white journalist to use the n-word itself in a discussion of the slur's use...
"The process helps winnow the field of competing films for upcoming awards shows, a kind of hive mind forming around the season's leading contenders. This year, that mind is looking blank." As the former editor of The Hollywood Reporter recently tweeted, "The usual consensus-building is gone, and voters are left to what they actually think." - The Washington...
"Prospect, the FDA union and PCS union wrote that their members were 'deeply worried' that the government was challenging the independence of museums and galleries to provoke an unnecessary 'culture war' over the portrayal of historical figures" following a meeting between culture secretary Oliver Dowden and the directors of a number of the country's major museums. - The Guardian
The move adds a billion more potential customers to the market for the audio streaming giant, which will now be available in 178 countries and will support more than 60 languages. - Variety
A poet in his own right as well as proprietor of the bookstore and publishing house City Lights, Ferlinghetti became famous in 1957 when he was arrested, tried, and acquitted of obscenity charges after publishing Allen Ginsberg's "Howl." Ultimately, he became "a fixture at the center of the whirling counterculture, … the bearded guru of San Francisco's art scene,...
"Google is negotiating individual licensing deals with a divided Spanish news industry that could allow the U.S. tech giant's news service to resume in the country. … Google News, which links to third party content, closed in Spain in late 2014 in response to legislation which meant it had to pay a mandatory collective licensing fee to re-publish headlines...
"Museum and gallery leaders in England have expressed anger, disappointment and bafflement at why commercial art galleries – which count as non-essential shops – can open five weeks before them. 'It is just nuts' said Rebecca Salter, the president of the Royal Academy of Arts which, like other public galleries, has been told it can reopen no sooner than...