"These small clubs, called tablaos, have acted as a springboard for generations of flamenco artists in Spain to launch professional careers. … But that intimate setup, designed to pack the audience close to the stage, has left most tablaos unable to reopen even after Spain lifted its most severe pandemic lockdown restrictions last summer. The situation has created an...
I can report that once the rest of us were inside — 25 or so socially distanced in a black box theater that normally seats up to 99 — the evening unfolded exuberantly. It was the first of three live theatrical events I attended over the weekend, the first time in a year my schedule resembled something like the...
"Eleven years after publishing its first collection of the finest up-and-coming authors in Spanish, Granta magazine is releasing a second volume that brings together 25 writers aged under 35 and now at work on four continents. The list includes 11 female writers and 14 male writers from Spain, Nicaragua, Cuba, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Equatorial Guinea, Chile, Puerto...
As lockdowns arrived and spread, many mutual aid networks, mostly small-scale, were put together on the fly to help the many thousands of suddenly unemployed arts workers. Those funds had been planned, and expected, to be temporary measures lasting only a couple of months. But, as the pandemic ran on and shutdowns continued, furloughs became layoffs; even now, as...
Excavating in an area between large temples at Luxor, a team led by famed archaeologist Zahi Hawass found the ruins of an entire working city — administrative offices, residences, a bakery, and so on, all the rooms containing everyday objects — from the reign of Amenhotep III. The discovery is being likened to those of Tutankhamun's tomb and Pompeii....
"Today's ballet teachers and company directors know that they can no longer simply instruct their dancers to lose weight. But that doesn't mean they've relinquished their rigid, narrow vision of what a 'good' ballet body looks like: They simply swathe that ideal in the gauzy, feel-good messaging of today's fitness culture." Or they use the aesthetic ideal of "length"...
"As the government prepared on Thursday to start taking applications for a $16 billion relief fund for music clubs, theaters and other live event businesses, thousands of desperate applicants waited eagerly to submit their paperwork right at noon, when the system was scheduled to open. And then they waited. And waited. … Shortly after 4 p.m., the Small Business...
" now-21-year-old Temple student said that Mikhail Yanovitsky, 56, hugged, kissed, and fondled her while she practiced piano in a classroom at Temple's Rock Hall in February 2020, then forced her to touch him sexually over his clothing while he spoke of 'eroticism.'" - The Philadelphia Inquirer
The 44"-by-34" depiction of Christ with the crown of thorns was thought to be by José de Ribera, a minor 17th-century Spanish artist, and had been slated for auction in Madrid with an expected value of about €1,500. Then curators at the Prado declared that there's "sufficient stylistic and documentary evidence" to believe it might be Caravaggio's work, and...
With the rise of artificial intelligence, machine programming, and the ever more rapid automation of technical skills, many companies are seeking just the creative and humanist thinking that emerges from a study of the liberal arts. - Forbes
As head of Calgary Opera he was one of the most innovative champions of the art form. “I think he truly changed opera in Canada. I think there was Before Bob and there is After Bob." - The Globe and Mail (Canada)
"What David Lang wrote in 1989 was not wrong: no senators took to the floor to tear up scores by Philip Glass or John Cage. New music was ultimately collateral damage in the Culture Wars, not directly targeted by congressional Republicans but still subject to the same devastating public funding cuts that the controversies over Serrano and Mapplethorpe inaugurated....
"Just as Asian shows are seen as exotic oddities rather than universal, Asian American theatres aren’t considered national theatres by funders, even though it is companies like Ma-Yi, Theater Mu, and East West Players that have historically nurtured Asian American artists when white theatres would not work with them, and told Asian American stories before there was a financial...
"Bush’s painting style is inelegant: his subjects’ eyes are often misaligned, his colors are sometimes muddied, and even though he attempts to create depth and shadow, the facial features ultimately fail to convey anything resembling human warmth. The book, providing an honorific framing, bestows a dignity upon his subjects that his presidential policies did not." - ARTnews
"At the end of February, Grimes sold 10 pieces of digital artwork as NFTs for $6m, while Deadmau5 has offered bundles including music and collaborative artwork. The Weeknd generated $2.2m by selling digital artworks with clips of a new track. … Despite the clear traceability, there remains enormous uncertainty about just how the rights and ownership of the original...