ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Chicago’s Goodman Theatre Prepares To Live-Stream From Its Stage

"'The whole process here is to recreate the experience for the audience,' said Falls. 'The audience chooses which performance they want to see, they buy their ticket, they're instructed to get there early to make sure that the technology is working and at 7:30 in the evening, we're all set to go live.'" - Yahoo! (Chicago Tribune)

Can Los Angeles Re-Establish Itself As A Cultural Capital Post-Pandemic?

"In many ways the challenges here are more intense and complex, in no small part because the virus hit at a time when so many things were in flux. The next steps — by cultural institutions, wealthy philanthropists, government and audiences — could well determine whether COVID will have derailed, or merely delayed, the city's ascendance as a cultural...

Benin Bronzes Are Still Being Made Today (Who Knew?)

In Benin City, in what was historically the metalworkers' quarter on and around Igun Street, skilled artists continue to make figures with the traditional techniques used to make the famous Benin Bronzes now in museums in other parts of the world (and gradually being repatriated). - Artnet

In Egypt, 250 Ancient Tombs Discovered, Some More Than 4,000 Years Old

The burial places, all cut into rock, were found by accident in one part of a larger necropolis in Upper Egypt. Some date back to the end of the Old Period of ancient Egyptian history, about 4,000 years ago; the most recent are from the late Ptolemaic era, which ended with the defeat of Cleopatra VII by Octavian (who...

Metropolitan Opera Returns To Stage (But Not Its Own) For First Time Since COVID Arrived

"Members of the company's orchestra and chorus, joined by prominent soloists and led by its music director, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, will give two concerts at the Knockdown Center in Queens on Sunday. … The concerts will go on despite continuing labor tensions at the Met, which have threatened the intended reopening of its Lincoln Center home in September." - The...

Phylicia Rashad Named Dean Of Howard University’s New College Of Fine Arts

The award-winning actor, herself a Howard alumna, will be the first dean of the re-established college. The nation's leading historically Black university folded its fine arts school into its College of Arts and Sciences in 1998 as a cost-cutting measure; Rashad's arrival completes the return of Howard's College of Fine Arts as an independent entity. - The Washington Post

Ex-English National Ballet Principal Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Students

"Yat-Sen Chang attacked girls and women at the English National Ballet and Young Dancers Academy in London between December 2009 and March 2016. The 49-year-old was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault and one count of assault by penetration. He was cleared of one offence." - BBC

Why Is Contemporary Architecture So Awful?

Perhaps it is that architects speak in a special language, and what looks to me like an arbitrary and ugly assortment of random stark rectangles is, to them, a kind of Morse code saying “Hello! Come inside! Happy to have you here.” But if that is the case, it doesn’t redeem the buildings for architects to have designed them...

Disney+ Isn’t Using Show-runners For Its Shows. A New TV Model?

Effectively, the studio is making its TV shows as if they were roughly six-hour movies, applying the same production methodology it’s used for the 23 unprecedentedly successful interconnected feature films that comprise the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That means empowering directors to lead a lot of creative decision-making, in collaboration with a small cadre of hands-on Marvel creative executives who...

The Long Checkered Career Of The Golden Globes

Hollywood viewed the awards as meaningless at best and corrupt at worst — most notable for their open bar and the industry perks enjoyed by their some 80 voting members. Jack Mathews, who was a film critic for Newsday, once called them “the best-fed freeloaders in the entertainment industry.” - The New York Times

YouTube Will Spend $100 Million On Creators In New “Shorts” Program

YouTube, the world’s biggest video platform, announced the YouTube Shorts Fund, a $100 million pool of money it’s promising to distribute to creators of the most-engaging clips of its new TikTok-style feature. YouTube expects the program to kick off in the fall of 2021 and continue into 2022. - Variety

Dutch Museum Directors Protest Testing Museum-Goers

In an open letter published yesterday in the Dutch newspaper NRC, 100 notable cultural figures, including Stedelijk director Rein Wolfs, artist Renzo Martens, Rijksmuseum director Taco Dibbits, and Van Gogh Museum director Emilie Gordenker, wrote that the law would enact too many barriers for museum goers. - Artnet

The Sweet Old Professor Who Saved Iceland’s Ancient Literary Heritage From Danish Fire

Árni Magnússon, who undertook Iceland's first-ever census and land survey, was a near-obsessive manuscript collector; he gathered many thousands of medieval documents, sagas, and other materials and sent them back to his house in Copenhagen. And in 1728, when the worst fire in the city's history and destroyed more than a quarter of the buildings and nearly every book...

Helmut Jahn Just Died In A Bike Accident — Might His Iconic Chicago Building Follow?

The Thompson Center is Chicago's premier example of Jahn's work, and the project that made him famous. Intended to take government from distant to literally transparent and accessible, it became a vital and diverse, if increasingly shabby, space; its spectacular atrium was the apparent inspiration for Jahn's later, massive Sony Center in Berlin. - Chicago Reader

What Happened When A Video Game Mixed ‘Dungeons & Dragons’, Artificial Intelligence And Choose-Your-Own-Adventure? Things Got Ugly

Last summer, the game AI Dungeon (less than a year old at the time) got an upgraded version of AI text-generation software that lets users type an action or piece of dialogue for their characters and then creates a new piece of narrative. Before long, some users started creating sexual situations involving children. But when the company put in...

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