ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Study: Aboriginal Memory Technique Improves Recall

The students who used the Aboriginal memory technique were three times more likely to remember the entire list than they were before they were trained in this type of recall. The memory palace group were about twice as likely to recall the whole list, and the control group only improved by 50%. - Cosmos

Meet The Mother Of LA’s Inner City Shakespeare

"For Andrews, Shakespeare represents a foundation for success, particularly for students of color attending under-resourced schools. If they can master Shakespearean wordplay, 'they can master anything,' she says. But it's not all Shakespeare. The theater ensemble has evolved into a support system and expanding network for the estimated 1,000 young people who have been involved since its founding."...

Dr. Aaron Stern, Psychiatrist Who Headed Hollywood’s Ratings Board, Dead At 96

From 1971 to 1974, he led the Motion Picture Association of America's Classification and Rating Administration, which gave films G, PG, R, and X ratings to films as a replacement for the old Hays Code of censorship. In 1981, longtime MPAA head Jack Valenti said that he had "made a mistake of putting a psychiatrist in charge." - The...

Chloé Lopes Gomes, Fired From And Reinstated At Berlin State Ballet, Talks About The Effects Of Her Case

"I've realized that my case isn't just about calling out racism; it's about confronting all forms of injustice in the dance world. … It's also been really great to receive messages from dancers of color, and to feel like we're calling out stereotypes — that our bodies, feet and work ethics aren't suited for ballet." - Pointe Magazine

Should Arts Organizations Draw More From Their Endowments To Get Through The Pandemic? In Canada, The Argument Heats Up

Up there, as in the States, organizations themselves explain (again) that endowments are for providing income year after year and that drawing down capital is less than prudent (and forbidden by regulations). But in Canada, the issue is complicated by the fact that many of those endowments include money that came from the government, and there's an argument that...

Opera Philadelphia Gives Up This Year’s O Festival

For the second year in a row, the company's critically praised September week of mostly new opera is called off; even as other groups expect to be in the concert hall by then, management feels that opera requires too many people collaborating in too-close quarters to be safe so soon. Meanwhile, says general director David Devan, the company will...

Six Stolen Roman Frescoes Returned To Pompeii

"Six fragments of wall frescoes stolen from the ruins of ancient Roman villas have been returned to Pompeii's archaeological park after an investigation by Italy's cultural protection police squad. Three of the relics, which date back to the first century AD, are believed to have been cut off the walls of two Roman villas in Stabiae, a historical site...

Final Suspect In Dresden Jewel Robbery Arrested

Police in Berlin have captured Abdul Majed Remmo, the fifth and final suspect connected to the shocking 2019 jewel heist at Dresden's Green Vault Museum. … Authorities had been searching for the 22-year-old man since he evaded capture in a sting operation late last year. He is the twin brother of fellow suspect Mohammed Remmo; … one of...

The Case For Banning The Unvaccinated From Theatres

If universities, such as Yale, Stanford and UCLA, are planning to require returning students to be fully vaccinated, why can’t performing arts venues do the same? This policy would offer audience members some insurance that the stranger crammed into the seat next to them wasn’t a potential petri dish of COVID variants eagerly seeking a crack in their newly...

How Tourism Is Killing Our Favorite Cities

While the number of visitors remains below the threshold, tourists use services and provisions designed for residents. Once this threshold is crossed, however, residents are forced to use services designed for tourists. - Daily Beast

How Glyndebourne Didn’t Miss A Step

Throughout the pandemic Glyndebourne has been notably agile, putting on outdoor performances last summer and leading the brief UK return to theatres in the autumn. Now, for summer 2021, the only real casualty of the originally planned season is a revival of Barbe & Doucet’s staging of Mozart’s Magic Flute, which, with its huge drop sets and puppets, would...

Study: BIPOC Arts Workers In LA Earn 35 Percent Less

On average, entry-level arts administrators in Los Angeles County earn $36,847 annually—a figure that’s higher than the $31,200 minimum wage in the area, but lower than the living wage of $40,200, according to the MIT Living Wage Calculator. BIPOC respondents from the same group reported an average income of just $32,027, while white arts workers earned $43,437, or 35 percent...

Amazon Makes Deal To Lend Books Through The Digital Public Library of America

The deal represents a major step forward for the digital library market. Not only is Amazon Publishing finally making its digital content available to libraries, the deal gives libraries a range of models through which it can license the content, offering libraries the kind of flexibility librarians have long asked for from the major publishers. - Publishers Weekly

Why People Hate The Sound Of Their Own Voices

The discomfort we have over hearing our voices in audio recordings is probably due to a mix of physiology and psychology. For one, the sound from an audio recording is transmitted differently to your brain than the sound generated when you speak. - The Conversation

A Years-Long Argument Over Conceptual Art, Capitalism, Classism, And Stir-Fried Noodles

Art critic Enid Tsui looks at the perennial controversy over Rirkrit Tiravanija's performance piece untitled (pad thai), in which the artist creates a "micro-utopia" by cooking the eponymous noodle dish in the gallery and sharing it with everyone in attendance (which means the kind of people who go see performance art in galleries). - South China Morning Post (Hong...

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