A 64-year-old man spotted the artworks — a 1665 self-portrait by Pietro Bellotti and a painting of a youth by the 17th-century Dutch artist Samuel van Hoogstraten — in the garbage of a rest stop in Bavaria in mid-May. Authorities have not identified the owner of the canvases and have appealed to the public for information. - Artnet
Instead of designing buildings for specific purposes that may fade or disappear, architects and developers should create buildings that can accommodate a variety of uses, from offices to residential spaces to hotels to healthcare facilities. Towers should be designed to be neutral. - Fast Company
"Last year, EU countries agreed that 30% of offerings on streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime should be European-made. The concern among some EU capitals is that currently the UK makes up the vast majority of that 30%, despite Brexit. This month, EU diplomats were invited to discuss whether the 'privileges' the UK continues to enjoy were...
Not only did societies such as the Classic Maya and the Khmer empire of Cambodia flourish, but pre-colonial tropical cities were actually some of the most extensive urban landscapes anywhere in the pre-industrial world – far outstripping ancient Rome, Constantinople/Istanbul and the ancient cities of China. - The Guardian
"I want to say, of course literature is just as important , but this is something in the dead of night I kind of worry about. … I've been saying for years, if you take away reading, take away literature, you take away something very, very important in the way we human beings communicate with each other. … We've...
"The Atlanta-based TCM has long been the sanctuary of classic film on TV, presenting mostly pre-1980 movies commercial-free with a deep respect for moviemaking history going back to the silent film era. … TCM also appeals to an older audience that is more likely to hold onto its cable subscription than younger viewers who quickly adapted to streaming platforms....
"After a four-year, multimillion-dollar undertaking involving mechanical engineers, architects, art historians, fresco experts, art handlers and riggers from the United States and Mexico, the 30-ton, 74-foot-wide-by-22-foot mural" — titled Pan-American Unity, painted in 1940 and installed at City College of San Francisco in 1961 — "has been carefully extracted and moved across town to San Francisco Museum of Modern...
"I by no means want anyone to think we're abandoning Pennsylvania," said executive director Shelly Power. "but it's about our identity as one of the most important cities in America." - The Philadelphia Inquirer
The South African coloratura, who is currently starring in Bellini's La Sonnambula at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, says she was detained by authorities at Charles de Gaulle Airport who took her cell phone and other belongings, strip-searched her, and held her for more than an hour. A French government source says she attempted to enter France on...
Since 2015, the Moroccan-Belgian choreographer, one of Europe's most prominent contemporary dancemakers, has been artistic director of Ballet Vlaanderen in his hometown, Antwerp. At the end of next season, he will step down from that job to move to the Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève. (in French; for a Google Translate version, click here) - Le Monde (Paris)
"A funding bonanza of more than $1.3 billion" — roughly $980 million US — "will create jobs and will place New South Wales as a cultural heart of Australia, with a raft of high-profile projects in the pipeline funded, including two new museums and a blockbuster fund to bring attractions to NSW." - ArtsHub (Australia)
Many workplaces now lionise (whether sincerely or not is another matter) the importance of learning through failure, and of creating environments that encourage this. - 3 Quarks Daily
Aphantasia is a recently-identified variation of human experience affecting 2-5% of the population, in which a person is unable to generate mental imagery. Can you still be an artist? - The Conversation