ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


We Have So Many Conspiracy Theories Because They’re Stories, And Stories Are How We Live

This is not great. "We are condemned to navigate the Space Age world with Stone Age minds; because of this inherent biological anachronism, man is the ape that imitates, tells stories, and morally condemns others." - LitHub

Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Director Has Some Things To Say About The Issues Facing The Festival

For one thing, there was a pandemic last year (and this year), which canceled darn near everything. Then, in November, came the fire that destroyed the Doris Duke Theatre. Pamela Tatge: "We all want to make as much dance as possible happen for our artists and our audience, so, to lose one of our primary spaces was devastating. ......

Canada Gets A 24/7 Inuit-Language TV Channel

The new network's executive director sounds hopeful. "As our elders pass away, we are fighting against time to keep Inuit culture and language alive for our children and grandchildren. TV in Inuktut all day every day is a powerful way to keep a living language for future generations." - CBC

During The Pandemic, Art Going To Museums Needs Special Help

Art couriers can't ride in trucks with art, or ride in follow cars with other people, or generally do everything they used to do in order to get art where it needs to go - and to help mount it. What's happening now? Robots. (Well, iPads on wheels.) - NPR

If You’re Feeling Unmotivated Right Now, You’re Not Alone

Hello, extremely upfront journalist: "I’m writing this article because, to be honest, the piece I need to read most right now is why it’s completely okay to feel sort of hopeless and disconnected from the joys of life." - Fast Company

Motion Picture Academy Changes, And Expands, The International Shortlist

The Academy concluded that there was no way to keep the larger executive committee's deliberation process secure on Zoom or other platforms - so the "preliminary committee," a smaller group, is now the only arbiter of what movies will be nominated for Best International Feature. Unrelated (or so they claim), the shortlist has expanded from 10 to 15. -...

The Essential Octavia Butler

Of course, if you've already read Parable of the Sower, much of the last four years might have felt a little too eerily familiar. But moving on: "Butler was an observer and ponderer. The probing mind that animates her novels, short stories and essays is obsessed with the viability of the human enterprise. Will we survive our worst habits?...

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Is Getting Some Covid Relief Funds

Along with other arts groups in the city, the BSO is seeing some funding for its workers. The BSO's CEO "said the money will help the organization make up for revenue lost from having to close its physical doors. He added that it will help BSO pay staff and musicians, while supporting the community through its music". - Baltimore...

Perhaps You Need Some Help This Week Recognizing Right-Wing Iconography And Dog Whistles

Here's a crash course in the iconographies of hate groups that have coalesced around the current president of the United States. - Hyperallergic

Why Do Some Of This Era’s Photos Look So Much Like Renaissance Paintings?

It's not an accident. Ask Reddit. "These comparisons, while often funny, also come across as shockingly honest. They push aside the veneer of the present and the sense that what we are experiencing is unique to the time we live in. What’s left are raw emotions, echoing through centuries." - Washington Post

Helga Weyhe, Germany’s Oldest Bookseller, 98

The store, which has endured through the creation of Germany, two world wars, Communism, and reunification, not to mention Amazon, was a family affair. "Weyhe was a lifeline of sorts to her customers. She traveled far and wide after East Germans were generally allowed to leave for tourism, bringing back her infectious enthusiasm for the outside world. 'She brought...

Why Do Some Mock Romance So Very Hard When It Sells Better Than Hotcakes Ever Will?

In the UK, for instance, publishing company Mills & Boon (the company that just landed Fergie as an author) publishes 700 books a year and sells one book every 10 seconds or so (and that's only 16 percent of the romances sold per year in the UK). Author "Annie O’Neil, the writer of 25 Mills & Boon books, said...

The Gatsby Glut

Hurrah for copyright expiration: There are many new editions, with introductions and critical essays by voices that haven't been heard enough in the American canon. Then there are the graphic novels, editions with lavish new art, a novel about Nick Carraway's life before Jay Gatsby, The Gay Gatsby (Just how is that different from the original, you may wonder?...

Hollywood, Like Many Americans, Has Been Looking For Villains In All The Wrong Places

And casting villains, that is to say law enforcement and others deeply committed to white supremacy, as heroes. But the new documentary MLK/FBI isn't confused: it "weaves a deeply troubling portrait of King being hounded and harassed by the FBI, while the murders of his fellow activists went strangely unsolved." - Washington Post

Artist Kim Tschang-Yuel, 91, Painter Of Water – And The Trauma Of War

"Kim’s drops can seem to sit miraculously atop his raw canvases or be in the midst of gliding down them, leaving a trail of moisture. They glimmer with light and cast shadows, and while vividly present, they are always on the verge of evanescing." - The New York Times

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