ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Israeli TV Is Having A Global Moment

Hollywood, in search of the next Shtisel, a hit show for Netflix. Apple TV+ and HBO Max are also trying to cash in, both by buying shows already in existence and funding new Israel-focused shows and storylines. - Los Angeles Times

Madrid’s Far-Right City Councilors Want To Destroy A Mural With Rosa Parks And Other Strong Women

The mural, which also depicts women including Nina Simone, was the result of a popular vote four years ago. But "the far-right party Vox had called for the mural in the Madrid neighborhood of Ciudad Lineal to be removed and replaced with another representing five male and five female paralympic athletes. The current work, which is painted on the walls of...

Smiley Face Eyeroll Laughing Face Could Become Some Of The Clearest Work Communication

At least, that's what one emoji-loving CEO proposes. "Millennials and post-millennials now make up at least 65% of the workforce in the U.S. Emojis are an essential part of how most of this generation communicates in their personal life. Businesses typically view communication skills as highly valuable in employees, so why suppress such an important tool?" Ah. Side-eye surprised...

If One Could Only Read Samuel Beckett’s Thoughts On His Best-Known Phrases

"All in all, the oracular quality of these lines, their sheer wisdom, makes of Beckett, much against his will, no doubt, something of a sage." - The Irish Times

What So-Called Trashy Novels Can Teach A Reader About Life

Who could put it better than this? "There is much to learn within the pages of the so-called bonkbuster – and, no, not all of it is about sex." - The Observer (UK)

People Are Hungry For Their Hometown Museums After This Very, Very Long Year

Is it still March 2020? What content are we watching? Who even knows? Well, your museum. The Walker Museum's public programs manager: "People are looking to their local arts organizations for online content. Even though you can see the Berlin Philharmonic or go to the Met programs, I think there's still a real interest in what's happening in...

A Movie Star Made Sure Her Crew Had Shares Of The Movie’s Potential Profits

Zendaya's move on the pandemic-filmed Malcolm and Marie may be a new standard for the industry. Of course, it helped that she and her costar had some say in the production and its finances. "We got to create this financial structure where all of our crew members also got points on it, so when it sold, they made money...

Poetry For The Pandemic

Perhaps some of it might be found in erasure. "Sometimes when it’s hard to write, that constraint gives you a place to start. It’s a bit like a painter working with a limited palette: You have both a solid foundation from which to begin your poem, and the challenge to create something using only what you have in front...

A Swedish Nurse Has Won The Opportunity To Have An Entire Film Festival To Herself

The nurse, who has been working on COVID-19 wards for months, beat 12,000 other applicants to the Goteborg Film Festival, where she'll live alone on a lighthouse for a week, watching 60 films. Lisa Enroth "said she hoped to enjoy 'being part of a totally different kind of reality for a week.'"- BBC

After More Not So Great Publicity, CBS Decides To Have Another Investigation

Peter Dunn, the head of CBS' 28 news stations, and another staffer - the senior vice president for news - were suspended, and an outside law firm hired to investigate an alleged culture of sexist and racist bullying. - Los Angeles Times

Changing Other People’s Minds Is A Zero-Sum Game

So try these strategies instead. - The New York Times

Love Books But Need Your Social Distance Space?

Rent a bookstore for a date. Yes, an entire bookstore. "The experience is BYOB (and food), but the store provides candles—and, of course, exclusive browsing access. What better way to get to know someone that by judging their taste in books?" - LitHub

A Photographer Who Captured 2020’s Protests, ‘Freedom’ Rallies, And Zip-Tie-Toting State House Assaulters

Rian Dundon: "I’m always trying to do portraits at these events as a way to cut through the visual noise of flags and sign boards etc. It’s easy to lose people to that stuff, and I want to make it clear that these are the individuals who took part in this." - Oregon ArtsWatch

What It Feels Like When The First Lady Is Touting Your Novel

It's pretty great, honestly. Ask Angie Thomas. "Had you told little Angie that 20-something years ago, she wouldn’t have believed she wrote something that made it that far — that this little Black girl in Mississippi whose family sometimes didn’t know if they would have food would have a book in the White House." - The New York Times

After The Storming Of The Capitol, Classical Music Feels More Vulnerable Than Ever

Of course, this feeling (and the lack of funding, and alarm about orchestras' survival) started long before the pandemic, and long before the assault on the Capitol Building. But: "The trials of the past year have brought forth many of the qualities we already admired about classical music: its resilience, resistance, persistence and endurance. But permanence? I’m not so sure...

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