ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


In British Columbia, Lack Of Child Care Is Harming Women Directors

And not just directors. "Most daycares operate on a traditional workday schedule that isn't suitable for the families of shift worker in industries like film and TV, emergency response, health-care and hotel services." - CBC

The American Booksellers Association Canceled Itself

The ABA took its Twitter private after promoting a scientifically inaccurate anti-trans book to indie bookstores, apologizing, and then deleting the apology. - LitHub

How TikTok Is Rewriting Harry Potter And Fandom

Users claim they can "reality shift" to any fictional world; just, they say, "switch your consciousness to the right parallel universe." - Washington Post

Toyko’s Olympics Architecture Is Not About A Wow Factor

Why? "Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow-Wow, one of Japan’s livelier practices, has objected that 'we independent artists are banned and totally deleted from the list of the designers.'" - The Observer (UK)

Perhaps In A Reaction To Quarantines And Lockdowns, New Movies Are Super Horny

Hot vax summer is real. (On the silver screen, anyway.) - Slate

The Descendants Of Those The Madisons Enslaved Will Now Have Input In The Madison Museum

One descendant: "Everything that are and were essentially derived from their relationship to their community, and that's from their intellectual achievements to their wealth, which was stolen wealth." - NPR

History, And Democracy, On The Brink Of Erasure

"A nation’s archive ... is a living testament to the many facets of national identity and history." India's opaque plan for its national archives threatens all of that, a scholar says. - Contingent Magazine

Why Won’t The Standing Ovations End At Cannes?

At the film festival, it's not just Americans standing, clapping, clapping, clapping, and clapping some more. - The Atlantic

The Authors And Magazines Shaping Africa’s Literary Culture

"Across Africa, literary journals managed by young writers and artists are emerging with the aim of publishing both new and established voices, collaborating across geographies." - The New York Times

The Author Of Podcast-Length Poems Says Poetry Isn’t Seen As Masculine

Another wordsmith adds, "Satire, acting or any kind of putting yourself out there isn’t viewed as the most macho thing." - The Guardian (UK)

How One Broadway Dancer Survived The Loss Of All Of His Income

He danced on his rooftop - and, after losing his health insurance and all his gigs, opened a flower business. - BBC

The US Wants To Return A Statue Said To Have Been Stolen From Cambodia

U.S. prosecutors want to return "a 10th-century Khmer sandstone statue said to have been plundered more than 20 years ago from a temple." - The New York Times

Writing Songs Over Zoom For An Animated Series

Whew, this time has been weird. "It was a fun challenge, and also, it just hit differently because we were in lockdown living in our fantasy world." - Variety

This Year’s Cannes Festival, Giddy Journalists Say, Was Top-Notch

Why? Perhaps because it was concentrated: "With Cannes 2020 called off, Cannes 2021 reaped the benefits of not one but two years’ worth of new movies." - Los Angeles Times

Spike Lee Reveals Palme D’Or Winner Early

Oops at Cannes: "When the jury president, Spike Lee, was asked to announce the first prize of the night, he misunderstood and read off the first-prize winner instead." - The New York Times

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