ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why Sherlock Holmes Has Become One Of Our Most Enduring Literary Characters

There are the endless literary takes. There are Anthony Horowitz’s sequels, or Andrew Lane’s tales of a teenage Holmes. Star basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has written novels about Holmes’s older brother Mycroft; Nancy Springer wrote the Enola Holmes books, giving Holmes and Mycroft a younger sibling. James Lovegrove has combined the worlds of Holmes and HP Lovecraft in the...

Why Quarterbacks Say ‘Hut’ And ‘Hike’

Back in 2009, the NFL itself was wondering about that very question. So they asked Ben Zimmer, America's most famous lexicographer, to look into it. Turns out that "hut" in particular is very practical, and it has a pedigree that seems obvious once you think about it. - Mental Floss

The Guy Who Moves Orchestras For A Living

Guido Frackers is the guy. "So I’ve seen the environment at least one year before. And we have a “bulldozer” who goes in 24 hours before the orchestra arrives to pave the way, to line every hotel up, so when the musicians arrive at the hotel, checking in is basically as quick as it takes them to pick up...

While Bela Lugosi Slept, They Made A Whole Other ‘Dracula’ On The Set — And It’s Better

"Shot in half the time the Lugosi vehicle was allotted, and on a much smaller budget, Drácula" — yes, it's the Spanish version — "contains revealing differences. It's 29 minutes longer than the Browning film, with more dialogue – we see more of Dracula's castle; and the framing of shots are arguably superior – thanks to Melford's...

All The Work Went Away: TV People Talk About Careers During COVID

“At the start of the pandemic, no one had any work, so it wasn’t so much of a problem. At times it was even nice not to be working. But when you’re freelance, you wonder whose doing what and doubt yourself, and when shoots opened up again, it was difficult not being out and about and having a purpose.”...

Video Opera And ‘Relevance’: Where They Meet And Where They Miss

"Recent case histories are alternately breakthroughs and models of artistic self-defeat. Which was which?" asks David Patrick Stearns. "The reverse of what I expected." The key: the message and the material have to fit each other. - Classical Voice North America

Attacks On The Merits

The idea that the world is corrupt and unfair was the subject of medieval morality plays and sermons. They taught a vast population to reconcile itself to misery and subjugation by promising rewards in the afterlife. But in a democracy, everyone is moderately free and potentially subject to rewards in this life, though few receive the rewards they think...

How Do Great Cities Die? So Slowly That Most People There Barely Notice

It's not usually after a disaster: in those cases, great cities tend to rebuild and often become grander. (Think of London and Chicago after great fires, Lisbon and San Francisco after earthquakes, Berlin and Tokyo after bombing.) "Mismanagement and inertia are more formidable foes than cataclysm, though they administer less dramatic death." - Curbed

Want To Understand People Better? Scientists Look To Dogs

In a recent study of 217 Border collies that ranged in age from 6 months to 15, the team, together with the Clever Dog Lab in Austria, found similarities with humans in the dogs’ personality traits as they age. - Nautilus

Who Was Mike Nichols When He Wasn’t Playing Mike Nichols? It’s Not An Easy Question

"Making stories was how Nichols coped with the world. The biographical question is: why was there a need to cope? The answer is not mysterious. Nichols was unusually self-aware, and he liked to talk about his life. To some extent, the Mike Nichols story is a story by Mike Nichols." - The New Yorker

With Their Theatres Closed, The French Turn To Puppet Shows

Performances for kids in schools are the only ones allowed under current COVID restrictions, so puppet shows are the only live theatre happening in France now. "The situation for French puppeteers is bittersweet. While it constitutes a return to their roots, as children remain their most faithful fans, many of them have worked hard to position the form as...

Intimacy Coordinator Says She Gets More Resistance From Female Actors And Directors

"'My hunch is that, for some women, having me present means they have to examine their past experiences on set without an intimacy coordinator,' said Mia Schachter, intimacy coordinator on ABC's Grey's Anatomy and HBO shows such as Insecure and Euphoria." - The Guardian

‘Salvator Mundi’ May Be by Leonardo, But Its Hand May Not Be

Two different studies — one by the Louvre, the other by an independent art historian and her AI researcher husband — find that the Christ figure's hand raised in blessing was added to the otherwise finished painting after the fact. The image recognition algorithm developed by the couple indicates that the hand was not by Leonardo (probably by an...

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Has A New Director (And She’s An Alum)

Linda-Denise Fisher-Harrell dropped out of Juilliard at age 19 to join the company, where she danced for three years before moving on to 13 years with Ailey. After retiring from the stage in 2005, she got a graduate degree and went home to Baltimore to teach. Now, as HSDC's artistic director, "she is tasked with culling an artistic identity...

Remember That Fake Gauguin The Getty Bought? They Were Warned

"The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles was privately warned in 2002 that a Gauguin sculpture it had just bought for around $4m was a fake. A few months later the museum sent a researcher from Los Angeles to Paris to investigate, but she failed to resolve the question — so the matter remained unpursued with the Wildenstein...

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