ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Baltimore Symphony Fires Principal Flutist Emily Skala

CEO Peter Kjome said in a statement, "Ms. Skala has had discipline imposed upon her over these past few months; unfortunately, she has repeated the conduct for which she had been previously disciplined, and dismissal was the necessary and appropriate reaction to this behavior." - The Baltimore Sun

Phillip King, Leading British Sculptor Of ’60s “New Generation”, Dead At 87

"Some critics and historians have considered King one of the most important British artists of the past half-century, although his reputation has lagged behind that of his mentor, Anthony Caro." - ARTnews

Someone Created A Fake Cormac McCarthy Account And Twitter Verified It (Oops)

Twitter acknowledged the mistake on Tuesday morning. A spokesperson said: “The account referenced was verified by mistake and that has since been reversed. - The Guardian

Objections To An East London Mega-Entertainment Sphere

What we now face is a massive live entertainment venue, almost as tall as Big Ben, covered with nearly a million garish LEDs, programmed to display videos and adverts. - The Guardian

Beginning August 16th, You’ll Need Vaccination Proof To Attend NYC Shows

“If you want to participate in society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated. It’s time,” tweeted NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. - Hyperallergic

Meet Lincoln Center’s New Artistic Director

Shanta Thake, most recently an associate artistic director at the Public Theater, will assume the role of chief artistic officer at the center, the nation’s largest performing arts complex, as it works to broaden its appeal beyond classical music and ballet. - The New York Times

Does Social Media Make It More Difficult To Act Morally?

What if it’s degrading our capacity for moral attention — the capacity to notice the morally salient features of a given situation so that we can respond appropriately? - Vox

MTV Is 40 Years Old. It Changed American Culture

Given the commercial and cultural behemoth it would become, MTV’s launch was inauspicious. - The Conversation

Maybe We Should Give Saint-Saëns A Little More Respect

In the face of (the) modernist revolution, Saint-Saëns (kept) churning out tasteful, perfectly formed, self-consciously harmonious music. - The Guardian

How The Creative Class Broke America

David Brooks: "These days, your education level and political values are as important in defining your class status as your income is. Because of this, the U.S. has polarized into two separate class hierarchies—one red and one blue." - The Atlantic

Blanka Zizka On The Biggest Challenge In American Theater

Because of the constant need to fundraise, says the outgoing director of the Wilma in Philadelphia, "the people who are actually creating the work are the only people who are freelancers. How do you run theaters when you are surrounded by administrative staff only?" - The New York Times

Is It Fashionable To Be Ignorant?

It is not at all difficult to find books on the broad scope of human knowledge written by authors who really know nothing other than that there are other people who know a lot about many separate things. - 3 Quarks Daily

To Thwart Art Thieves, Authorities And Museums Are Going High-Tech

"They're employing advances like liquid fingerprinting nanotechnology and tiny rare-earth magnets — as well as futuristic tech that's to persuade thieves and looters to leave art where it is, or to recover stolen items before they disappear for good." - Artnet

Want A Job In The Pittsburgh Symphony? Here’s How It Works…

At the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, there are currently 13 openings in the violin, viola, bass, flute and percussion sections, a high number of openings for the roughly 100-member ensemble. - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Roberto Calasso, Giant Of Italian Literature, Dead At 80

His influence came not only through his own prolific writing — most notably in a series of books that retold ancient European, Egyptian, and Indian myths — but as editorial director of the Adelphi publishing house, where he had surprising success in making challenging books popular. - The Guardian

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